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they got on a flight super early in the morning, and it was midnight, taehyung's birthday.

"happy birthday bubba." jungkook told the sleepy boy, kissing his neck.

taehyung was sleepy, he didn't get much rest last night and he had to get up at ten pm.

and of course, jungkook already wrote his birthday note to taehyung like he always does.

Dear Taehyung,
Happy Birthday my beautiful baby boy. Dada is so proud of you! Seeing you go through all of this and continuing to be happy is such a beautiful thing, and it makes me so happy to know that you're happy. Baby boy, some people are here to learn lessons, and some people are here to teach lessons. and you've taught me a lesson baby boy. never give up, and keep being you. I love you so so much, and I hope that you know that. And, I can't wait to walk the field with my baby boy next to me. you're my lifesaver, baby. thank you, and happy birthday, my handsome boy.
- Jungkook

he cried a little writing that, but he was okay.

they had a lot to look forward too when they get back, because they were celebrating today.

taehyung didn't know too much about it because he wasn't listening when his mother said it, but he would find out eventually.

when they made it home, jungkook went back to his house for a bit, just to grab his last gift for taehyung.

then when he got back, it was ten am, and he was walking upstairs with a small cupcake, because taehyung didn't need all of the sugar right now.

he turned the light on, softly singing to him as he walked over.

"happy birthday dear baby boy," he sang, kissing the younger's cheek and moving his hair out of his eyes. "happy birthday to you."

taehyung woke up, looking at jungkook in confusion.

"hi bubba. do you want your cupcake?"

he nodded tiredly.

"okay, sit up and you can have your cupcake."

he sat up, rubbing his eyes to wake himself up before taking a bite out of the cupcake.

he ate it all, and he had to brush his teeth right after.

after an hour, taehyung was more aware, and they got him dressed.

since it felt nothing like winter, taehyung had a short sleeved button down grey shirt, and regular skinny jeans, and jungkook did his hair so he was ready.

after another few minutes they got in the car, heading to the place where they were celebrating taehyung's birthday.

it wasn't too far from their houses, and taehyung really didn't know where they were going.

when they got there, taehyung started clapping happily, doing his little dance in jungkook's lap.

"do you want to come play laser tag with us bub?" jungkook asked, sungjin and taehyung's other cousins behind him.

taehyung said yes, so they got their gear on and went into the gigantic room to play.

it was dark, and the neon lights lit up some parts of the room to play.

"look, there's sungjin. shoot him." jungkook told him, teaching him how to do it so he could do it on his own.

he helped him shoot, and he got sungjin, so they moved over to hide for a moment.

"do you know what to do now?"


"okay, call my name if you need help."

as the game continued, taehyung started running for his life after seeing his cousin, mark come after him and he had no ammo.

he knew that he would fall, and of course he did.

he slipped, getting right back up like nothing happened so he could get his ammo.

"are you okay tae?" mark asked, a little worried about his cousin.


jungkook stuck with taehyung for the rest of the thirty minutes, and their team ended up winning.

when they left the room, jungkook saw the picture of him and taehyung together.

"wait we took these in october, you just got them?" he asked, looking at the gigantic picture.

"yep. we just got all of the pictures from your photoshoot today." jungkook's mother replied, watching most of the kids invited to taehyung's party running around.

the picture came out better than expected, taehyung had on a navy blue blazer and a white shirt with white jeans, and dress shoes while jungkook had on navy blue pants with brown suspenders, a white long sleeved button down shirt and a navy blue bow tie.

taehyung was in his lap, with a straight face just like jungkook, and in the other one they were smiling.

it was cute.

as the hours went by, taehyung started being himself again, and he had the time of his life.

he was giggling and smiling, running around as if he never even had surgery.


jungkook started running around the building with taehyung on his back, the boy starting to giggle again.

"i love you kookie."

"i love you too bub."

he continued running with taehyung on his back, and when they ran around the building three times, they stopped because jungkook was tired and so was taehyung.

taehyung decided to sleep in jungkook's arms for a bit, because he missed his nap time.

and after that, it was time for cake, the thing that taehyung hated.

he hates cake, and so does jungkook so no wonder who he gets it from.

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear taehyung, happy birthday to you!"

"blow the candles out baby." jungkook told him, clapping once he blew the candles out.

he turned to jungkook, pecking his lips quickly before turning red.

everyone died inside from cuteness probably, because they started saying "awww" and "how cute!"

jungkook chuckled, hugging taehyung tightly.

"you're an amazing boy. happy birthday." he told him, kissing him back.

see, he made it.

he made it. he's seventeen.

nobody thought that he would live this long, but he did.


jungkook believed in him.
im crying bye-

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