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taehyung smiled as jungkook held him in his arms, carrying him around the huge mall.

taehyung was being pretty loud, but jungkook didn't even care because taehyung was the happiest little baby at the moment.

"race car!" taehyung yelled, not too loud as he pointed at the toy store.

"baby wants a toy, hm?" jungkook asked, looking at the boy as he bounced him in his arms.

the younger nodded, placing a peck on his boyfriend's lips.

"what's the magic word bub?"

taehyung whined, "pwease dada?"

"such a good baby." jungkook ruffled his hair, carrying him into the toy store to get the toy car he's had his eyes on.

they walked right over to it, jungkook standing infront of the shelf to let taehyung choose.

"what color do you want, angel?" the man asked, placing more of a lingering peck on the boy's cheek.

"blue pwease!"

jungkook grabbed the car, walking to the cash register to pay.

"is he special needs? i was wondering because i saw his wristband and his puzzle piece bracelet." the clerk asked, trying to sound as nice as possible.

jungkook didn't feel like snapping on someone today, so he replied in a nice way. "yeah, he has autism, epilepsy, and some other stuff that we don't know the name of at the moment. he's my boyfriend. say hi bub."

taehyung waved shyly, hiding his face in the crook of his daddy's neck.

jungkook chuckled, grabbing the bag and saying his goodbyes before walking out of the store.

taehyung whined, jungkook rubbing his back.

"what's wrong baby?"

"wanna go night night.."

jungkook sat him down in the stroller they brought along, giving him his blanket and paci before kissing his plump lips once more and continuing to walk around the mall.

taehyung fell asleep within minutes, his eyes finally closing as they walked into h&m.

jungkook shopped for a good two hours after taehyung had fallen asleep, the boy waking up as they were leaving.

since the mall did valet parking, jungkook sat on the bench with taehyung's stroller infront of him while he waited.

"hi pretty baby, how was your nap? hm?" he peppered the younger's pouty and sleepy face with kisses.

"pouty baby~" he ran his fingers through his hair, standing up to go to the car.
after, they got home and finished everything that needed to be done before going to bed.

it was now morning, jungkook confused as he realized that taehyung wasn't beside him in bed.

he got up, going down the hall to taehyung's playroom just to see if he was there.

and, he was.

taehyung was fast asleep on the floor, his butt in the air as he slept, wearing his princess dress.

jungkook smiled, bending down to gently wake the boy up.

he peppered his face with kisses, playing with his hair to wake him up.

he smiled when the boy opened his eyes, whining before laying flat on the ground.

"good morning my little princess, did you have fun playing dress up last night?" the man chuckled, ruffling taehyung's hair and pulling him into his lap.

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