Back to class

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*Sarah's POV*

It was the start of classes again, and our midterm holiday was over. Now the seriousness of studying needed to be put back on because in less than a month, the final exams were starting, and I needed to do my best so that I could move to the 2nd year. I was thinking that maybe during the holidays I could take online classes for the course, and that would help me to graduate sooner than the rest. And my 3-year course can be completed in 2 years only, and that couldn't be any more amazing. I still haven't decided what I want to do in my career, but I think I will be able to figure it out soon. My 3 weeks of holidays went by really quickly than I thought with work, hanging out with Laura, and some days with Ryan. This helped me to create a better bond with Laura and also with Ryan. I have become much more comfortable with him now, and I could really be myself around him. I also found out that he was actually funny and always had a positive mindset, which made him more attractive than ever. I woke up early today, and when I looked outside, it was snowing. I was so happy that winter was finally here. I really loved the winter; now I could wear all my boots and big, fluffy jackets and scarves as well. I was so excited! I took a quick breakfast, went to take a hot shower, and got dressed. I wore a pair of blue jeans and a long-sleeve plain t-shirt with a sleeveless black puffer jacket. I put on a burgundy wool scarf and brown boots. I let my hair open, so I just put a brown beanie on my head, grabbed my bag, and headed out. I decided not to go in my car today as I wanted to walk in the snow and enjoyed it.

 I decided not to go in my car today as I wanted to walk in the snow and enjoyed it

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I got to college, and there were some snowflakes on my hair. I quickly tried to remove them before heading inside the hallway. I went to my locker and got my books for my first class. Suddenly I heard a shout of excitement for my name, and I smiled because I knew who it was. I closed my locker and was immediately engulfed in a warm hug.

"I'm so happy classes are back. I was so bored with staying at home and had nothing to do." Laura exclaimed as we walked to the class.

"So how were the holidays for you?" She asked excitedly. 'Doesn't she seem a little too excited to be back at college? I wonder what happened to her and Daniel because after movie night with them, her attitude changed towards him, and she was always excited for classes to be back on. I wanted to ask but refrained myself. Maybe later.'

"It was good, I must say—better than I thought. " I replied, shrugging. She laced her arm with mine, and we continued to walk.

"What did you do?" she asked mischievously, and I giggled at her, knowing exactly what she meant.

"Just working, reading, doing some advanced studying, aannd hanging out with Ryan!" I said and walked ahead quickly as she stayed still to make herself believe if she heard me right.

"WHAT?" She shouted, causing a few students to look at us. I turned and replied, laughing.

"You heard me, and I'm not going to repeat myself."

Just then the bell rang and I hurriedly went to my class while I heard her shouting.

"This conversation is not over yet!" I laughed to myself, remembering her face when I told her about me being with Ryan.

At lunch, I went to the cafeteria to look for Laura and found her talking to Daniel in a corner alone. I shook my head with a smirk, then got to a table and looked at them from afar. 'I could feel something cooking up between them!'

"Why are you smiling alone like that?" I snapped from my thoughts and looked up, only to find Ryan staring at me. I immediately smiled at him while he took the seat in front of me.

"Just wondering if something is going on over there!" I said and signaled for him to look over to where Laura and Daniel were, and he turned to look at their side and sighed.

"Then you're right! Something is definitely cooking." He said it with a smirk. I raised my eyebrows at him, totally surprised.

"WHAT? How do you know that?" I asked, leaning closer to him curiously. He smiled at me and leaned closer too.

"I knew that Daniel liked Laura from the start, despite being with Ruby and bullying her. I don't know what happened, but there has been a sudden change of behavior in him towards Laura, so it definitely means something is up!" He said it with a shrug, and I nodded in agreement.

"So what do you want to eat?" he asked, and I looked at the menu.

"A chicken sandwich will do good!" I said, and he nodded before getting up.

"Where are you going?" I asked immediately.

"To get the food!" He said it as a matter of fact. I shook my head at him and was about to speak when he cut me off.

"I'll come with you." I said, getting up as well when he stepped forward, causing me to sit back again.

"Allow me?" he asked with his thumb pointed to his chest.

"But.." he interrupted me in between.

"I know, I know. I won't pay for you. Just give me your student card, and I'll go get the food for us." He said, and I had no choice but to give him my card, and he went ahead. That gave me the opportunity to look at him properly, and geez, he was so good-looking! He wore a pair of black jeans with a white t-shirt and a denim jacket on top. He paired his whole outfit with white sneakers and a brown beanie on his head as well. That beanie was giving him that cool look of a bad boy.

 That beanie was giving him that cool look of a bad boy

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He came back with our food, and I thanked him. He smiled at me, saying it was his pleasure, and we ate our food in silence, much to say that we were really hungry. We then talked about class and studies when Laura and Daniel came.

"May I steal her if I'm not disturbing?" She asked with a smirk.

"What's up, man?" Daniel asked, tapping his hand on Ryan's shoulder.

"Of course!" Ryan replied to Laura with a smile, and Laura dragged me along with her while Daniel took my seat. I sent Ryan a look, saying sorry, and he winked at me with a smile. I immediately returned his smile.

Currently, Laura and I were sitting on a bench in the yard, and she just told me everything that had happened between Daniel and her, including how Daniel told her that he loved her, and now she was hesitant about what to do and how she didn't want to play a game that he liked to play whenever he wanted. Her words made me remember my past, and now I would have to talk to have a real talk with her, which maybe meant that I would have to tell her about my past, but whatever it had to be, I would not let her go through the same pain that I went through. I would do whatever I could to protect her and not let her be played.


Hello lovelies,

How are you people? How was your weekend as well? I hope you guys miss Sarah and Ryan. Hehe! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Let me know what you think will happen next. Don't forget to vote and comment. Love you all!

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