My Decision

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I literally took two whole days to myself, and I cried and cried and cried. I let it all out, and I still couldn't decide what I wanted. On one side, there was Aaron, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere after years, and now he was claiming me back as his again. On the other side, there was Ryan, who has been with me since he started to like me. He even came back to me after he returned from Australia, and he was still proving to me how much I meant to him and how much he loved me. I couldn't bring my head and heart to the same place; I had lots of questions to which I didn't know any answers because my heart and mind kept on debating what they wanted. Everyone was deciding for me, and I just felt like an object that people were just pulling onto their sides, like my opinion didn't even matter. But now, I needed to take a stand. I needed to make a decision about what I wanted and who I wanted to be with. I couldn't let other people decide for me. That was why I kicked both Ryan and Aaron out of my apartment the other day. They were fighting like dogs, and it was getting intense with each and every word of theirs. They were even forgetting that I was also there, and I couldn't let them decide everything for me. Ryan wanted to stay with me in case I just had another breakdown, but I really wanted to be alone, and the next step was based on me and only me.

I cleaned myself up, as I was like shit, made a strong coffee, and went and took a seat on my window settee, which was my favorite place in this apartment. I took a sip and got myself together. I needed to think clearly and get all my thoughts together because the decision I was about to take would reflect my whole future life. I needed to take it very carefully and, most importantly, ask myself what I really wanted in the very first place. 'Do I want Aaron back in my life? Do I still love him like before? After getting to know all the truth, do I think he deserves a second chance? Maybe he really has changed. But what about Ryan?'
I took another sip of my coffee, and my mind wandered to my conversation with Huma the other day when she got engaged to her boyfriend, Sebastian King.


When that guy kneeled down in front of Huma, we all were extremely shocked. No one, absolutely no one, expected something like that would happen so soon with Huma, and she even had a boyfriend; we didn't have a freaking idea. When all that happened, no one knew. She did a pretty good job of hiding everything, but why? We were all staring at the couple, expecting how Huma would respond, but the guy immediately stood up from his knee and walked to my dad.

"May I talk to you and your family, sir, please?" He asked dad, and dad nodded.

We all moved to the private balcony where Ryan and I were before, and the guy started to talk to us—confidently,  I should say.

"Mr. Willson, my name is Sebastian King. I'm just the son of a middle-class family, and I honestly don't own an empire, but I work in the financial department of a proper company. I really love your daughter Huma, sir, and I want to continue my life with her. I know this is all of a sudden because I asked Huma to give me more time for me to be able to provide her with everything she needs, but I just experienced a dark phase and almost lost her, so I'm not waiting anymore. Please, sir, with your permission, I would like to marry your  daughter.

We all went quiet, and dad kept on looking from Huma to Sebastian and then took Sebastian aside along with James. He said he would like to meet Sabastian's family first, and then he would give an answer. The very next day, Sabastian came home with his mom and his little sister only. After talking and getting to know his family, both mom and dad gave their approval, and the most amazing thing was that, only where our family had gathered, Sebastian kneeled down again and put that ring in Huma's finger. We were surprised but cheered up for them. I was happy for them.


There was a time when all three sisters sat down and we were talking, and while chatting with Huma and Ziya, I curiously asked them about how they knew that James and Sebastian were the true ones for them. Their answers then, I didn't quite understand it, but today they were making sense.

"Sebastian has an anger issue, but even though he was in anger, he would never say anything disrespectful to me. He would always respect me first because he knew if he would hurt me with his words, then my tears would hurt him the most." Huma explained, and I smiled at her.

"For me, I would say the safety I felt being with him. As you knew, James and I were not in love, but it was an arranged marriage. But that feeling I got with him whenever I was sad, moody, or even down, he would always assure me in a way that said he would always be with me and that everything would be okay. I felt safe with him! I guess for me, that would be it first, and then I fell in love with him." Ziya said, and she giggled.

Now, thinking back on their words and comparing them to what they said to me about these 2 men fighting for me, I finally made up my mind about with whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life. With that, I got up and went to change before I went to meet him. I dialed his number, hoping it was the same, and when he answered, I told him to meet me at the given address. I quickly dressed up in a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans and wore my white sneakers. I drove to that place in about 15 minutes, went down the stairs, and found him sitting on one of them. I approached him and sat down. He looked at me and smiled. I gave him a small smile and then looked ahead of me.

"I knew you would come back to me because I knew how much you loved me." He said confidently that he was about to grab my hand when I moved my hands quickly.

"You really shouldn't say anything you want to just because I'm not saying anything." I said, looking at him blankly, and his expression got confused.

"You shouldn't decide for me what I want or who I want to be with just because you knew me before, nor has Ryan had anything to say about what I want. This decision should be taken by me alone. It's my life, and I should be the one to decide everything." I stated quite furiously, and he nodded, looking down.

"So, what did you decide? Who do you want to be with?" He asked, still looking down.

"Look, Aaron, we have known each other for almost a year only, and in this one year, a lot has happened, and we have been hurt too, to quite an extent. Then I left there, came to this city, and settled down here. All these years—3 years, Aaron—I met Ryan, and he helped me to move on from you. He stuck with me through everything and didn't give up on me. And you, after 3 years, came back to me, wanting to claim me back, thinking I might still be crying and loving you. It took you that long to come and explain everything to me. If you truly loved me, you would have tried harder, but now I've changed. Thanks to you, and now... efforts matter to me, not words anymore." I said, and he looked up to me and had a guilty look in his eyes.

"And Ryan had proven to me multiple times that he loves me truly. Everything has changed now, Aaron, and so has I. I'll always treasure the beautiful moments I spent with you because I had truly loved you at that time, but now, Ryan has already made his place in my heart, and I belong to him only." I said sincerely, and he was looking at me with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry, Aaron, but I hope you find your true one. It is certainly not me. Goodbye!" I said and got up, starting to head back without another glance at him or at my past, because now I was ready to look forward to my future with Ryan. I wouldn't deny my feelings anymore; if being in love felt like this, then yes, I was in love with him. I WAS IN LOVE WITH RYAN!



Hello lovelies,

Hope you all are doing fine? So here another chapter for you and also I'll be posting after every two days because honestly I don't want the story to end but unfortunately it is ending soon. So now Aaron is gone and you people can enjoy the upcoming beautiful chapters. Hope you will like them. Don't forget to vote and comment. Take care and Love you all!

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