Helping her

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*Sarah's POV*

Since yesterday I could not pull myself to do any work, here I was sitting in the library, trying to get my assignments done as they kept on increasing each day. And if I didn't do anything, then I would go crazy by the very end. This library had a really relaxing and cozy atmosphere, which was a good thing as it was motivating many students to come here and spend most of their time there. I really liked the place, and currently I have chosen a corner for me where I can come and do my assignments. And also, I had to start revising, as exams would be coming sooner than I thought. Then it would be perfect.
I was so lost in understanding the charts when suddenly a girl came and pulled the chair loudly, sat in front of me, and lowered her head on the table like she was sleeping or something. That was really weird, and on top of that, she scared the hell out of me because I was so concentrated on those irritating charts.

'What the hell does she think she's doing? Should I ask her or let it be? Just pretend you didn't notice, Sarah; it would be better.

"Excuse me?" I asked her. She just pushed my hand away and continued sleeping.
'What the hell? Excuse me, you're sitting on my table without my freaking permission!'

"Excuse me? What are you doing?" I asked her a bit louder and shook her arm too. She looked up at me and then at the door and sighed.
"Some seniors are after me, and I have to escape safely. Please, it's my only way out. Please help me and let me be here for some moments." She said nervously. I nodded, and she quickly lowered her head again.

'I think I have to help her now.'

As I had a cardigan with me, I told her to wear it, put the cap on her head, and gave her a book. I told her to pretend that she had fallen asleep. It was silent for a few minutes, and then a group of three guys barged in, and I looked up at them as they banged the door open. There was the guy with blue eyes as well, along with two other guys who looked like they were ready to kill someone with their gaze alone. One had brown hair, and the other had curly blonde hair with green eyes. But the guy with blue eyes was more breathtaking. He had a sharp jawline with a stubble beard, which made him more attractive, a roman nose, and dark brown hair. Just perfect! I was simply admiring his features, and when he saw me, I quickly lowered my gaze and pretended to be studying. But he stopped midway and kept on staring at me while his friends kept on looking for the girl. The one with brown hairs came to me and asked.
"Did you see a girl with blonde hair coming here?"
I just shook my head and got back to my books. They were about to go away when the guy with curly hair asked.
"Who is that?"

"She's my friend, and she fell asleep while studying." I quickly said in order to save that girl and also not appear suspicious. He nodded and kept looking for a while. I was looking at them from the corner of my eyes. Finally, they gave up and went out, but the blue-eyed guy kept on staring at me even while going out.
'What's with this guy?'

After they went out, I waited for a few minutes to make sure that they were really gone, then whispered to her.
"You're safe now! "

She lifted her head slowly and looked around as if to make sure I was telling the truth.
"Thank you so much for helping." She said with a genuine smile.

"No problem, but can I know what you did to the seniors so that they are after you like that, like they are ready to murder you?" I asked her, chuckling, remembering the faces of the boys.

"They were making nasty comments to the freshmen, so I stood up against them and even knocked one down. That's why." She shrugged confidently.

I raised my eyebrows at her, totally impressed. 'Wow, she got the guts to do that with the seniors.'

"But now they will be after you for weeks." I stated to her that those people would not let her go so easily.

"I know, but if it is to stop something bad, especially bullying someone who is weak, then I will always stand up against them." She said confidently.
I smiled as I appreciated her thoughts and actions.

"You're really a brave girl!" I complimented her.

"You never know when with just a simple action you're making someone else's day a better one. People are always going to remember the good you did for them and wishes the best for you. So it's worth the shot!" She said with a wink, and I nodded at her.

She removed my cardigan and said
"Thank you so much uhh" she trailed down.
I smiled at her and said
"Sarah. My name is Sarah."
"Thank you so much Sarah. Mine is Laura. I see you're a freshener too. I have a feeling that we will be friends soon" she said with a big smile and extended her hand to me for a handshake.

I gladly shook hands with her.

"I have to go now. I'll see you around Sarah, thank you once again." She said quickly and before I had time to respond, she went to the door, peeked out to see if any of those boys was there. And when she saw she was safe, she went out carefully. She is such a sweet girl.

Before I wasted more of my time in other things, I better get these annoying assignments done and then I could go home and sleep. Shaking my head, I dove in the tasks.


Hello lovelies,

Short chapter today I know but I hope you guys are enjoying the chapters now. It is going to be a beautiful story; don't worry about that. Let me know in the comments what you think of the story so far, and try guessing what is going to happen next. I will love to hear your thoughts. Please continue to love the story, vote, and also comment and share with people you know will love this story as well. Thank you, lovelies... Love yoouu!

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