Rainy day

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*Sarah's POV*


Thankfully, it was Friday again, so I could go home and relax. This week was so exhausting, with tons of assignments and revisions. And now I could have the weekend all to myself. I was currently at the library, finishing some homework before I headed home. It has been a rainy day, which made the day sleepier. Closing my books, I went to my locker to grab my bag and some stuff, and I headed outside. Coming to the front door, I stopped in track as I saw it was pouring heavily. Everybody was waiting for the rain to stop for them to go their respective ways, but to me, it did not seem to stop anytime now. So, since I didn't come in my car today and neither did I have an umbrella with me, I had no other option but to walk into the rain itself to home.

Without any second thought, I stepped forward in the rain and started walking towards my apartment. I could feel myself starting to get drenched, but I would not care less. I've always loved the rain, and it has been a long time since I didn't enjoy the drops of rain on me. The rain has always been inspiring in two ways: as if the sky has emotions too, and by seeing the cruelty of mankind towards nature, it had been holding back its pain to the extent that it was finally shedding out along with its scream and anger as thunder and lighting. And secondly, it was very relatable to me or any people in misery, those who were struggling whether it was financially, physically, or emotionally. The raining clouds were showing the pain of a crying child, or somewhere a person was sorrowing for the loss of a dear one, or somewhere someone was dying quietly but painfully. with all of us only hoping for a better and brighter day tomorrow. Just like the rain, it was pouring today only in hope for a better tomorrow!

I was walking slowly and was embracing the feeling of the rain falling on me. If only I could close my eyes, it would have been a more amazing feeling. I was so lost in my own thoughts while walking that I didn't even notice someone was next to me. It was only when I felt something blocking the raindrops that I snapped up and saw an umbrella. I turned and looked to my side and saw him—the blue-eyed one. I immediately stopped in my tracks, and he stopped as well while facing me. I looked at him questioningly, raising my eyebrows. Guessing by my expression, he said:

"I see you love the rain, but you'll fall sick if you keep on walking like that." He said in a deep voice. His voice was modulated! Realizing what he just said, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm good." I said and kept on walking. But he came back and started speaking again.

"No, but seriously, you will fall sick like that. See, it's pouring!"

I immediately stopped and looked at him, irritated.

"Why do you care? I do whatever I want. It shouldn't be a problem for you." I said in a high tone.

"You certainly can't skip classes now since we are going to have exams soon. And you wouldn't want to sit for an examination during the holidays, would you?" He chuckled.

He was right, but I could take care of myself. I just wanted to have some time to myself and enjoy the rain again. But it seemed like that annoying guy would not leave me alone anytime soon. What was his problem? Can't he just leave me alone? Is it because I stood up against his friend that he was here now to say or do something to me? Maybe he was waiting for me to be alone so that he could strike me. But whatever he was planning to do, I was not going to be afraid of him or anything. 

"What do you want?" I asked him, annoyed.

"I just want you to be okay and reach home safe!" He replied in a low voice, almost like whispering.

"Do I look like a child to you?"

He quickly shook his head and looked at me.

"You're here for your friend or girlfriend or whatever? You couldn't stand seeing her get insulted; that's why you are here to irritate me, right?" I asked him as I was getting pissed off.

"No no. You're getting it all wrong. Why would I do that? And you did the right thing. Ruby was getting a little overboard." He said, nervous about his words.

"If you saw she was going too far, then why didn't you stop her sooner?" I asked him angrily.

He looked at me and then lowered his gaze.

"Look, I know it was a mistake to let her do that to your friend. I was going to stop her, but then you came forward." He tried to explain himself, like I was going to believe that.

"You really think I was going to believe that? You stood there and enjoyed a girl getting beaten up. It clearly shows how disgusting you are. You guys only want others to bow down to you, and if they don't, you will bully them. It is only with this intention that you came here to me right now, right? But I'm not afraid of any of you; do whatever you want. You guys are sick!" I shouted at him, and without waiting for his response, I turned and walked away.

What does he think of himself? 

I walked quickly so that he wouldn't come again, and thankfully he didn't. I reached my apartment completely drenched. I quickly placed my bag on the counter at the door and rushed to the bathroom. I took a hot shower so that I could avoid getting sick.

I think I said a little too much, but I couldn't help it. They did wrong to Laura.

No! He deserves it!


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