Stood up for my friend

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*Sarah's POV*

I was so tired to get up to go back to the routine. I wanted to sleep more but then I would get late for classes. Thankfully I completed all my assignments yesterday at the library and now I was a bit freer. Taking all the courage I got up from bed. It was Thursday, 'only one day more Sarah then weekend will be here', I motivated myself like that every day and finally got out from bed. I showered and got dressed in an oversized blue shirt with a pair of black legging and white sneakers. I tucked in the front of the shirt to make it more fashionable, if you know what I mean!

I let my hair in a wavy curl, and I applied some lip balm, took my bag and keys then headed out

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I let my hair in a wavy curl, and I applied some lip balm, took my bag and keys then headed out. I went to Starbucks first to grab a coffee before heading to college. Arriving there, I parked my car in my usual student parking spot and started to walk in. As I was going closer to my locker, I noticed students had gathered around something.
'I wonder what's going on?'
I opened my locker and got my books for class. As I was passing by the crowd, I heard a girl's scream. Curiously, I peeked through the tall boys in front of me to catch a glimpse of what was happening and then that blonde hair caught me off guard.

I approached them to get an idea of what exactly was happening out there. As I got closer, I noticed that the guy with blue eyes was also there along with the other guys who were just standing and enjoying the fight. 'Such shameless people'. Another girl was holding the hair of Laura in a really painful way that Laura was even crying out in pain. I winced at seeing her like that. 

" You dare to reply to me, the most famous and beautiful lady on this campus, back? I am your senior and you have no idea what I can do? or even get you out of this campus. So, know your standard before you even talk to me next time you nerdy bitch." That senior girl shouted at Laura. 

Upon hearing on what she just said, before I could stop myself, I found myself started strolling towards them and standing right in front of that senior girl with a glare. I knew I should totally be minding my own business, but I couldn't stand back and watched this nonsense. It was so unfair to Laura. No one should be treated like this, whether it was a senior or a junior.

" What do you think you are doing? This is not any way to treat a person like you are actually doing. Don't you have any social behavior? " I said in a loud tone. I could sense that anger started to double within that girl, and she turned to me with narrowed eyes. 

"And who are you to step in for that nerd and daring to talk to me back?" she shouted. 

"I am nobody and why can't I talk back to you? Are you some sort of other species or what? If so, then maybe it is not the right place for you here. I can only see people with right state of mind in here. " I said sarcastically. Right after I said that I could hear laughter coming all around us and many were impressed by my reply to that bitch who believed herself to be the most beautiful girl on the campus... like seriously? That girl was shocked by my answer, probably because no one dared to step in front of her before and that was why she got used of people bowing in front of her. But I am so sorry sweetheart, I was not going to do that. Her face was not a sight to miss, her mouth was opened like a goldfish. 

"Guys, did you just see how she talk to me?" she said in an innocent face to her friends as if she was the victim in here. I saw a boy took a step forward towards me, but I did not step back either. Did she really think that I would be afraid of them? I stood there challengingly, waiting for the comeback. But to my surprise, a guy came in front of them to back them down. It only had to be those blue eyes guy.

"Com 'on guys, let's end this right here." He said calmly to his friends and came face to face to me.
 "I'm sorry for whatever had happened. I apologize from the behalf of my friends." He said to me. I did not expect that at all, I thought he was coming forward to pick up a fight or in a defense of his friend. 

"It's not me who you should say sorry to!" I glared at him.

He turned to Laura and said a meaningful sorry to her and went away along with his friends not before giving me a nod. 'What was with that guy? Always giving me a different kind of looks. what was his problem?'

I was brought back from my thoughts by a jumping hug on by side. When I looked around, it was Laura, I almost forgot about her. I looked at her crying face which was now giggling happily.

"Are you okay? Is it painful?" I asked her worriedly by touching her head. That must have been really painful when someone grabbed your hair with so much strength.

"My head hurts but I'm more than okay now. I can't believe you actually shut her big mouth. You got some courage sweetheart. Thank you so much my lucky charm. It really means a lot." She said sincerely happy.

"No need to say thank you. I would have done that for anyone. I can't stand any unfairness towards anyone. " I said to her truthfully. She nodded at me and then said: "No one actually stand up for me that's why I'm still surprised. From now on, You're my best friend. I don't have any friends in here, so do you mind becoming my friend?" she asked with hope in her eyes.

I smiled at her and nodded my head,

"Sure, I will!" 

She hugged me excitedly and said lots of thank you.

"But now since we have become friends, I would like to take you somewhere after classes?" I asked her hesitantly.

"Sure. Let's meet after classes and I'll wait for you in the parking lot." she said and I nodded.

She laced her arms with mine and we walked to our respective classes while chit- chatting and giggling. All day I have been receiving intense stares from those blue eyes guy and his group, but I ignored them and did my things normally. After college, I took her to the nursery home to have a checkup of her head and the doctor said that there was not anything serious and gave her some medicines for her headache. 

"Thank you for the checkup but you didn't have to." she said.

"If I didn't bring you here, I know you wouldn't have come by yourself. So, it is the least I can do." I replied shrugging.

"That's true!" she laughed.

After that, we went to have some food and we hanged out for some time to get to know each other more. Laura was such a crazy girl; I have been laughing so bad with her. She kept on cracking funny jokes about almost everything. She was a pure soul for sure. I dropped her to her house before heading to mine. It felt so nice today when I actually stood up for someone and became friend with someone else other than my actual friend. I was smiling all day after so long that I could feel lively again. And I was for sure loving this feeling again. I think it was time to be happy again!


Ohh noo! A bad impression has already been created for Sarah now. What do you think will happen next? Do tell me in the comments.

And don't forget to vote and share also. See you tomorrow, Love you!

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