Break with the Past

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"Mam, should I put the cake now?" a decorator asked.

"Yes please. And after that, you guys can leave; the remaining will be handled by the catering now. " I replied with a smile.

"And great job, everyone. I'm impressed with how we managed all this in just two days. You guys are the best, which is why we are climbing the stairs so fast in the market. Thank you everyone!" I said loudly so that everyone could hear me, and that instantly put a smile on their faces.

I stepped back and leaned against the wall, looking at the decorations and everyone around me. Yes, you guessed it right! I opened my own event planner company. I found myself enjoying everything when I helped Cindy a year ago, and I knew that I could do that. So I completed college and soon graduated. After that, I talked to my dad about what I wanted to do, and he helped me out. I had to go through a small course of event planning, and then I opened my own company. It was tough at the beginning as I was doing small birthdays and other small events, but then one day a family approached me; they were at an event that I planned and told me that they really liked everything. So they gave me the opportunity to plan a party for them. And that opportunity changed my company's luck; today, big clients wanted us to plan and organize their events. It turned out that the family was a rich one, and many high-profile people were at the party and really impressed with everything. And today, we are trending in the market for event planners. And I also got the best team; it was also because of their hard work that we reached success today. This past year has been crazy, with so much going on and changing quickly. As the company kept on succeeding, I changed my apartment and am now living in a more spacious and cozy one, a little bit far from my last apartment. But this week I had to come back home as I had to plan my sister Ziya's wedding reception and also organize this cute birthday party for this cute baby girl. Ziya got married to James 10 months ago; we had to delay the wedding as a close one of James passed away. So they did a simple wedding in the church only, and now, next weekend, we would be holding a big wedding reception where they would revise their wedding vows again and have their reception the way they should have. And Ziya wanted me to plan and organize everything, as I knew her tastes and preferences better.

"Mam, the guests started to come, and Mrs. Nelson is looking for you!" I snapped from my thoughts and nodded at the waiter politely. I made my way to Mrs. Nelson, wondering what was wrong.

"Mrs. Nelson, you're looking out for me." I asked politely with a smile. 

"Yes, Miss Willson, I would like to say that everything looks so perfect, and you managed to arrange all of these as per the princess's preference: all the flowers, fairy light, and butterfly theme. You did a great job. I'm really impressed, and I thank you so much again. I know you said you would have to leave earlier as you have to travel, so I wanted to meet you now because I don't know whether I'll be able to find you later. And please do eat before you leave!" She said with a smile, as she was a really kind lady.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Nelson, and that was my work. I shall see you later." I politely excused myself as her guests were waiting to meet her, and she nodded at me.

I went to meet my catering team and explained everything to everyone. I also did a final check before I left. I had to go back to my apartment tonight because I had an important meeting tomorrow with a famous businessman, and I got the contract to organize their wedding anniversary for this Saturday, which was 4 days away. They wanted to meet me and discuss everything so that I could start the work. I drove back to my apartment, which was 1 hour 45 minutes from my parents' house. My parents asked me to shift back home, but I denied it. I liked the independence I had when I was living alone, and I also learned how to do things differently when I had the responsibility of my own house. I became more responsible and knew exactly what I had to do and what I shouldn't. I moved from my old apartment about a year ago. It was hard to say goodbye because I had beautiful memories with Ryan there, but I had to shift because it was getting more and more unsafe there. Currently, I am living in a more modern and luxurious apartment. I also redecorated the interior, making it more cozy and giving it a homey feel. I opened the door and went directly to take a shower, then got in my pajamas. I then went to the kitchen to heat the food that I had packed from the birthday party and sat on my window settee, which was also in the kitchen. I had designed my kitchen in a black and white theme, as I found it more elegant and modern. And then my room and the living room were really cozy and white. I made my living room theme white and wooden, and my room was white and a light blush color, which had become one of my favorite colors recently. After my dinner, I went to my closet to decide my work attire for tomorrow and got to bed, and I was exhausted.

 After my dinner, I went to my closet to decide my work attire for tomorrow and got to bed, and I was exhausted

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Hello lovelies,

How are you all? Hope you all are good. Let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments and enjoy the reading. Love you all and stay safe!

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