Chapter 34

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Bella's POV

 I'm sitting on the couch with Barrett when her phone rings. "It's the hospital." She says, walking into the other room to take the call. I pull out my phone and text Cat.

Bella: Hi.

Cat: Hey! What's up?

Bella: Barrett's on the phone with the hospital.

Cat: Oh no! Is everything ok?

Bella: IDK!

Cat: It's probably nothing. Did you hear? The theatre I act at is putting on a production of Bring it On!

Bella: Really? Are you gonna audition?

Cat: Yeah, probably. Are you?

Bella: I don't know.... I did a musical when I was 8 and my dad found out. It didn't really go over well.

Cat: Oh. I'm sorry. What musical?

Bella: Seussical. Actually, the girl playing Jojo looked a lot like you.

Cat: Wait, was that in 2014?

Bella: Yeah....

Cat: That was me! I was Jojo!

Bella: Omg really?

Cat: Yeah!

Bella: That's so cool! My mom's coming. Gtg.

Cat: Okay, bye.

I turn off my phone and turn to Barrett. 

 "So?" I ask.

 "You have JIA." She says. "Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis."

 "I have what?!" I yell. "Will I get better?"

 Barrett sighs. "No, it's a chronic illness which means it doesn't have a cure. But there is something we can do to stop it from getting worse."

 "What is it?" I ask.

 "You're going to have to get joint injections every few weeks." She tells me.

 "NEEDLES EVERY FEW WEEKS?!" I scream. I take a deep breath. "When's my first one?" I ask, a bit more calmly.

 "Next week." She tells me. "Are you okay?"

 That's when I get an idea. "Barrett?" 

 "Yeah?" She responds.

 "Can I try out for a musical? You know, to take my mind off things." I say.

"Of course!" She exclaims. "That's a great idea! What's the musical?"

 "Bring It On." I tell her.

 "Cool!" She says. "I was in that! What part are you going to audition for?"

 "Hm." I ponder. "Well my all time favourite is Campbell so maybe that?"

 Barrett calls the cast over to help me rehearse. I sing  with Barrett as Skylar, Taylor as Bridget, and Erika as Kyler. Kyle high fives me. "You go girl!" He says. After that we do One Perfect Moment, and I rehearse some lines. 

 "When are auditions?" Taylor asks.

 "Wednesday." I reply.

 "You're gonna kill it." She says with a smile.

AN: I hope you enjoyed! I'm not gonna be responding to comment for a bit, you can check my announcement profile thingy for info about that. 

Also, @Spaceheater1  , I have some holiday fluff coming up, ok? While I'm here, please so report @Stupidwhore5 as they are bullying people and spam 

@-nonala with ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Ty! Have a great day! -Lila

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