Chapter 37

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   Bella's POV

Violet shuts the door behind her and everything goes black. Great. I am stuck in a storage closet. I bang on the door as hard as I can, but its no use. I leaned back against the wall, tears streaming down my face. It's not fair. Why do bad things always happen to me? First, my mom died. Then, I got abused. When I finally found my family I got taken from them. Then I had 2 surgeries, got shot, got hit by a car, got diagnosed with a chronic illness, got bullied, and if that wasn't enough, I literally died! How messed up can one kid's life get?! All I want is to be normal. I want to live life, be a kid, have fun, but I can't. That's the thing. No matter what I do, how hard I try, I never can. The door opens and I see a teacher standing in front of me. 

 "What are you doing in here?" he asks me, surprised.

 "I-I was just getting a basketball." I lie. I run as fast as I can out of there. Now what? I can't let Olivia see me crying. I would be dead! So I go to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall. I stand on the toilet, hunched over so no one can see me and I cry. All of a sudden, I hear footsteps coming towards my stall. I open the stall door and walk out, looking down so the person doesn't see my tearstained face. 

 "Hey, are you ok?" A voice asks. I turn around quickly and look up at the girl in the bathroom. Oh my gosh. This girl is absolutely gorgeous. She has brown hair with purple tips that go down to her shoulders. Her eyes are dark and deep, with a playful sparkle. She has gold hoops in her ears, a black tee shirt, jeans, a leopard print jacket, and tall black boots. It was a very bold outfit, but she totally rocked the look. "Hello?" I hear her say. I realize I must have been staring.

 "Oh, yeah!" I respond, putting on a fake smile. "I'm fine." 

  "Here." She gives me a couple make up wipes to fix my puffy eyes and leaves. Weird. I never even got her name. I quickly fix my make up and leave the bathroom, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. Since I don't have my phone, I look at the classroom clock. 10:00am. I must have been stuck in that storage closet for a few hours. I pull my hoodie over my head and walk through the rest of the school day like a robot, doing my everyday actions. Answering the math problems, filling out the vocab quiz, eating lunch, and writing down the homework. Finally, it was 3:30pm. Time for auditions! As soon as I remembered that auditions for Bring It On were today, I became 1000 times happier and more animated. I ran into the theatre and plopped myself down on a chair next to Emily, Ryder, and Cat. Presley, Emily's sister, wasn't auditioning because she was too busy with Beetlejuice. Cat's friends, Axel, Astrid, Vera, Ebony, and a few others. Comet didn't really like to act, but she was doing tech, and also working on some sort of secret theatre project with some other kids she wouldn't tell me about.  

 "Bella Weed?" Ms Jodes calls. Why do I have to go first? Its not that bad, but I wish I had a t least gotten to hear one other person to see how it worked.  I hear my friends cheering behind me as I walk up to the stage. Okay. I can do this.

  I take a deep breath, and just like I've practiced with Barrett, I stand up straight, chin up, shoulders back and say, "Hi, I'm Bella Weed and I will be singing Alyssa Greene from The Prom." I sing the song, and as I sing, the fear just disappears. I get so caught up in the music, and just enjoy it.  Before I know it, its over. I sit back down and my friends all congratulate me. We all chat for a while, not really paying attention other than when one of us goes up. We watch the first two, but it gets boring watching kids sing "Defying Gravity" over and over again. But then I hear a song I've never heard of before. I look up. Its that girl from this morning!  She has one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard, and I'm in awe hearing her sing. 

 "The song's called Moonlight." Astrid whispers. "Its by Grace Vanderwaal." I'm speechless, listening to this girl. She takes a big, dramatic bow at the end, but I can't tell if she's bowing for real or jokingly. It seems to be the latter. A few more people go, and I chat with Cat while I wait.

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