Chapter 5

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Bella's POV 

I opened my eyes. I was still on the bear, but it was much darker out now. I saw a bunch of people crowded around me. I started to get anxious but Barrett took my hand. "Can I talk with you for a minute?" She asked.

 "Uh, sure." I answered getting nervous. Did I do something wrong? Was I getting thrown out onto the streets? I wouldn't be surprised. They had much better things to do than deal with some random 12 year old who broke into their theatre.

 "Bella, I was wondering if-

I cut her off. "I'm so sorry," I cried, "I ruined everything."

"No, no. Bella. I want to foster you."

Excuse me, WHAT.


"Ohmygoodnessyes," I said in one breath. She laughed.

 We walked through Times Square together to her apartment. I had been in Times Square many times, but never at night. It was so busy, but beautiful, too. We walked inside the building and took the elevator to the 12th floor. We got off and stood in front of room 210.

 "This is it." She told me. She opened the door and I gasped. It was beautiful inside! To the left was a beautiful marble kitchen, with a very comfy living room next to it. There were big floor to ceiling windows showing the New York skyline. There were two bedrooms, each with a bedroom. She led me to one. "This will be yours." It was small, but cozy. It has a twin bed in the middle, and a bookshelf on the left. Next to the bookshelf was a window, with baby blue curtains. On the right, was a closet, desk, and the door to the bathroom. The floor had a white shag carpet. The walls were lined with gorgeous fairy lights. I stood there in awe. 

"Okay," Barrett said, bringing me back to what was happening, "it's late. You should go to bed." 

"Thank you!" I cried crushing her in a giant hug. 

She smiled. "Always."

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