Chapter 42

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Bella's POV

I took a seat leaning against the wall, between Cat and Ryder, and this girl Chloe, who Taylor adopted. We were sharing a box of Oreos that Laura had packed for Ryder, earlier that day. In the corner, a kid around my age and a girl who looked to be around 7 or 8, sitting with her. The younger one was named Amelia, and she had long blonde hair in two braids. Her skin and her hair were both so light and pale, they were almost white. She had beautiful eyes. One of them was blue, and one of them was green. I had overheard someone say something about a thing called "Albinism and Heterochromia". She was wearing a blue sweater with a white heart on it and an adorable light blue tutu. The older one had shorter brown hair and kind, dark eyes. They were named Rebecca, but also went by Becca and Reb, depending on the day. They were wearing a white and grey pronoun bracelet, which meant today, their pronouns were they/them.  Juno and Alexa were sitting on the stairs of the stage, giggling. I grinned at them, happy for them, but a bit jealous at the same time. I brushed it away. Astrid, Ebony, and Axel were chatting about some new book. There was also a big group of kids near the back, consisting of Kaliyah, Justin, Max, Joshua, Veronica, Leo, Lydia, Evelynn, Roxanne, Ruth, and Carmen. I found myself staring at Carmen, mesmerized, until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

 "Hellooo?" Ryder said in a singsong voice. "Earth to Bella!"

 "What?" I asked, turning around, quickly. 

 "Who's that girl you were looking at?" Ryder asked, a teasing tone to her voice.

 "Wait, is that the one you were telling me about?" Cat wondered. 

 I lightly punched her. "Shut up!" I hissed. 

Cat was about to say something, but fortunately for me, she was interrupted by Ms Jodes. "Everyone backstage, please!" We followed and waited for further instruction. "So we start with Campbell standing center stage." She explained, pointing with her toe. I stood there. After she explained a few more things, I took my place, and we started. 

"God? And any higher power that might be listening? It's me. I mean, it's Campbell. You probably already know that." I said my lines with confidence, lost in the character. "Today is the last day of school, and then I'm a Senior, and tonight, my squad is hosting tryouts, to replace those old Seniors who've left our point of existence. The tryouts will be led by our new captain who gets elected at lunch. I know you have more pressing matters than who gets captain, I've read the news. But I could use any extra luck that you could toss my way. Because I've been working my whole life to lead us to Nationals. It's all that I've wanted, ever since I was a kid. "

 "Doing great!" Ms Jodes called, looking up from her clipboard for a moment. She gave me a nod to tell me to continue. 

 I started to sing. "I was in the stands, rooting for our team, when I saw the Buccaneers cheer for the first time. Standing on their hands, every move extreme, I looked around, do these people see what I see? These Truman girls were superhuman girls and when they started to fly I knew that I would find a way to be up there one day, 'cause in that moment I finally knew what I was born to do."

 "5, 6, 7 8." Ms Jodes counted. From the wings, Cat, Ryder, Joshua, Juno, Veronica, Leo, Lydia, Amelia, Evelynn, Roxanne, Ruth, Rebecca, and Chloe came out. 

 "Go Campbell! Go Campbell! Go Campbell, go Campbell go!" They cheered. Then came the part I was most afraid of. The part where I got lifted into the air. As I was lifted by two of the older kids, I felt myself start to wobble. I couldn't breathe. I was too scared. Then, everything went black.

 I woke up to a face staring down at me. "You okay?" A voice asked, calmly. It was Carmen. "You don't have to be scared." She said. "We'll make sure you're safe doing the stunts." I slowly sat up and she sat with me, lightly rubbing my back. "I know this isn't the best time, but I want to tell you something." 

 "What?" I wondered, still a bit shaken from what had just happened. 

 "Bella," she started, "I think that you're amazing." 

 I blushed. "Thanks."

 "Seriously. I really like you. And I was wondering, would you maybe want to go get ice cream with me after rehearsal sometime this week?" I was speechless. Carmen blushed, looking embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make this awkward."

 "No, no." I said. "I want to."


 "Yes. I really like you, too." I told her. She smiled and hugged me, and I hugged her back, feeling the happiest I had in a long time. 

AN: Yay!! Their ship name is Carmella, by the way. Thank you to everyone who let me use their OCs! Go follow them! They're all amazing! Astrid, Axel, Cat, and Ebony belong to chaoticgeek. Kaliyah and Evelynn belong to musicalsandslushies. Ryder belongs to Isle_Of_Spaceheaters. Max, Rebecca, Ruth, and Roxanne belong to SIXSQUIPSIMP. Juno belongs to statickirii-. Veronica belongs to heatherscornnuts. Leo and Lydia belong to meowgirl1201. Thank you all. I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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