Chapter 24

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Bella's POV

 I was sitting in my room, re-reading Harry Potter when Barrett called me into the living room. "Bella?" She called. 

 I ran in. "What's up?" I asked sitting down.

"Well." She said. "It's almost September, and I know you love to sing, dance, and act. There's this amazing school nearby that specializes in the theatrical arts."

 Wait a second. Me, going to an arts school?! That sounded so cool! But I was scared. A new school with new people? What if I got bullied? "Sounds interesting." I told her. She opened her laptop and pulled up the website. There were so many amazing things about the school! They had a drama club which put on several shows throughout the year. They have classes on acting, improv, vocal technique, directing, dance, and song writing. They also have all the normal classes like math, science, english, and other classes. 

 "You have to audition to get in." She said. 

 I took a deep breath. "I can do that!" For my audition I had to read a monologue and sing a song. We decided to have a practice day on Monday, when there wasn't a show. I went in and was shocked to see the entire cast. 

 "W-what are you doing here?" I asked. 

 "We're your family! We're here to help you!" Taylor said. 

 I smiled and hugged them. "Thanks, everyone."

 "So monologue first, or song first?" Erika asked. 

 "Um, I think song." I replied. "I decided to to Requiem from Dear Evan Hanson."

 "Barrett was in that!" Erika told me. 

 "Really?" I asked. "I didn't know that."

 "Yeah." Barrett said. "I played Zoe in the first readings. Anyway, let's get started."

 I stood on the stage and went up to the microphone. I started to sing.

 "Why should I play this game of pretend?

Remembering through a secondhand sorrow?
Such a great son and wonderful friend
Oh, don't the tears just pourI could curl up and hide in my room
There in my bed, still sobbing tomorrow
I could give in to all of the gloom
But tell me, tell me what for" I started pacing around the stage. "Why should I have a heavy heart?Why should I say I'll keep you with me?
Why should I go and fall apart for you?Why should I play the grieving girl and lie
Saying that I miss you and that my world has gone dark without your light? (I can see your light)
I will sing no requiem
'Cause when the villains fall, the kingdoms never weep
No one lights a candle to remember
No, no one mourns at all
When they lay them down to sleepSo, don't tell me that I didn't have it right
Don't tell me that it wasn't black and white
After all you put me through
Don't say it wasn't true
That you were not the monster
That I knew."  I started thinking about everything with my dad and started crying a bit as a sang. "'Cause I cannot play the grieving girl and lieSaying that I miss you And that my world has gone darkI will sing no requiemI will sing no requiemI will sing no requiem tonightOh, oh, ohOh, oh" 

Everyone clapped. "Great acting!" Erika exclaimed. "The tears really looked real."

 "I don't think it was acting." Barrett said quietly. 

 Shit. I was caught. Grey approached me. "Were you crying, young lady?" He asked in a mock stern voice. 

 "N-no." I answered.

 Grey smirked. "You can't lie to me." He chased me around the theatre and jumped on me, tickling me.

 "Okay, okay!" I yelled. "Maybe I was crying a little bit." 

 "Cmon." Taylor said. "Let's go get some ice cream."

AN: If you haven't noticed, the last couple of chapters I've been posting have been pretty happy. (Since the Taylor thing) Just a warning, this is all building up to a plan I have and then I'm gonna dump a whole lot of bad stuff all at once. Also, Barrett actually did play Zoe during the readings. I didn't make that up. Anyways, Bye! -Lila

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