Chapter 6

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TW: Abuse

Bella's POV

  I got into bed. It normally takes a long time for me to fall asleep, if I even fall asleep at all, but I was so tired from today, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. This was a mistake.

 I woke up, but I wasn't in the bedroom, I was on a big round stage, surrounded by people. My dad and his friends, the mean kids at school, my teachers who's favourite hobby seemed to be torturing me. On the ground lay the entire Mean Girls cast, plus my mom, dead. I cried as I watched them lay there, still, lifeless. This only caused the living people to hurt me more. Then, my dad pulled out a knife. 

 I woke with a start. I put my hand to my face and saw that I was crying. Barrett was holding me. "Shh, it's okay," she said, "wanna tell me what happened?"

 "M-my dad," I started, "he was there, on a stage, with all of his friends and the mean kids at school. They were all around me." I sniffled. Barrett rubbed my back and I continued, "All around me was the cast, and my mom. But they were all lying on the floor, dead." I started crying. 

"I'm so sorry, Bella", Barrett said, "It's okay. Here, lie down." I lay down scared to go back to sleep. She rubbed my back and started singing a lullaby version of I See Stars. I didn't want to go to sleep in fear of having another nightmare, but by the time she reached the second verse, I had fallen asleep. She really is good. 

 I woke up the next morning, bracing myself for the punches. I looked around and realized I wasn't at home. I was safe. It was weird, I wasn't used to being safe, but it was nice. "Good morning!" I heard Barrett call. 

 "Good morning," I replied, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. 

 "I made pancakes", she told me. 

"Thanks!" I said. I sat down at the table and ate. Then, it was time to get ready. Once we were both ready, Barrett called me into the kitchen.

"I have a surprise for you."

AN: I hope you enjoyed! How does this book how 63 reads??? Tysm. Does anyone have anything they want to see happen? I have the next few chapters planned out, but other then that, I don't really know what I'll do, so any suggestions would be cool! Also, the crossover isn't out yet, idk if it will be next chapter, or the one after. We'll see. Byeee! -TheatreGeek

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