Chapter 39

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Bella's POV

TW: needles, bullying, language

 I wake up on the floor with a cool cloth on my face. There are faces all around me. Everything is spinning. "W-what happened?" I ask, confused. 

 "You blacked out." Dr Bray explains. "Probably from a combination of anxiety and lack of food and water." 

 "I'm hungry." I say. He laughs. "You can eat all you want once we finish, ok?"

 Elle puts out her hand and pulls me up from the floor. "I know its scary, but you can do it. I know you can. You're a strong girl." I smile and we walk back to the room. I lay down on the bed, and they put the mask on my face. I hold Barrett and Elle's hands. Cat waits outside. She gets nervous around needles. Elle draws pictures of my hand with her fingers. "This helps Cat calm down, so maybe it'll work for you?" It helps a bit, and Dr Bray takes out a syringe. I squeeze my eyes shut, and try to relax. The laughing gas is making me tired, so maybe I can fall asleep. I was up late last night thinking about things. About my weird day. The weird person I met. The weird, mysterious, beautiful, kind, brave girl. I could see her perfectly in my brain, her deep, dark, twinkling eyes, her kind, soft voice, and even the way she held herself. Fearless, happy, and confident. 

 "Bella?" Someone calls, snapping me out of my daydream.

 "Wh-what?" I ask, startled. 

 "You're done!" Barrett says with a smile. I look down and see a bandage on my knee. It didn't even hurt that much. "I'm so proud of you!" She exclaims, hugging me. "Now, wanna go get some lunch?"

 "YES!" I shout, sending my family into a fit of giggles.

Timeskip brought to you by me constantly screaming at Ry and Em for their evilness.

 "Please mom?" I beg.

 "I don't know, Bells." Barrett says. 

 "Please! Its my first rehearsal, I have to go! I got the lead! I owe it to them. I'll be careful. I'm fine, I swear!" Barrett is being super overprotective, even more than usual since my incident this morning. 

 "Fine." She sighs. "But be careful, and take your phone and call me if you need anything, ok?"

 "Deal!" I say happily, jumping up and down. Today's my first rehearsal and I'm super excited. Campbell's one of my dream roles and I can't wait to bring her to life! I run out to the car, where Emily, Ryder, and Cat are waiting. We decided to carpool. Its more fun and better for the environment! Its a win win! Laura's driving today. 

 "Who's ready for rehearsallllll!!!!!!" Emily cheers. 

 "Someone's excited!" Laura jokes. We pull into the parking lot and run into the theatre together, laughing happily. We take our seats and Ms Jodes steps up to the stage. 

 "Hello thespians! Welcome to our theatre! Today, you'll all be getting your scripts. We're gonna do a table read today, and get familiar with our characters." A few kids in the front high five. "Everyone come sit around the piano and I'll hand out scripts." I sit down between Emily and Astrid. 

 "Hey!" Astrid elbows me. "Check out Juno." Sure enough, Juno and Alexa are chatting away happily. Its obvious they like each other. 

 "Aww." I say. "Young love." 

 "You're the same age!" Astrid giggles. Ms Jodes stops in front of us. 

 "Here ya go!" She holds out a red script with my name on it. Bella Weed- Campbell Davis I grin, seeing my new last name. I've been "Bella Weed" for over a month now, but it still makes me happy to see it written out in big, blocky, official looking letters like that. Ms Jodes claps her hands together. "Okay, Buccaneers! Who's ready to rehearse?" Everyone cheers. "Then let's get to it!" 

 I open my script to the first page. "God- and any other higher power that might be listening? Its me. I mean, Campbell. You probably already know that. So, today is the last day of school, and then I'm a Senior. And tonight my squad is holding tryouts- to replace those old Seniors who are leaving our place of existence. The tryouts are going to be lead by our new captain, who gets elected at lunch. And that's why I'm talking to you. I know you have more pressing matters than who gets captain- I watch the news- but I could use any extra luck you could toss my way. Cause I worked my whole life to lead Truman High to Nationals. Its all I wanted since I was a kid."  I take a deep breath and start singing. Ok, Bella, don't mess this up. "I was in the stands, rooting for our team, when I saw the Buccaneers cheer for the first time. Standing on their hands, every move extreme, I looked around do these people see what I see?" People start clapping to the beat, imitating a drum. "Those Truman girls were super human girls and when they started to fly I knew, that I would find a way to be up there one day cuz in that moment I finally knew what I was born to do."

 "Go Campbell! Go Campbell! Go Campbell, go!" Everyone cheers.  

 "Yeah!" I belt, hitting the high note perfectly. I smile as everyone looks at me proudly.

Timeskip to a different scene because I'm to lazy to write this whole thing.

 "Hey snot! What's hot?" Cat sings. "Wish you were captain not! Got your text and all-"

 Ryder cuts in "and we meant to call! Channel two was here to watch us cheer!" 

 "K love you, don't get shot!" They say together. I giggle. They make an amazing Kylar\Skylar duo. 

Timeskip to Astrid's rant song brought to you be her being my spirit animal.

 I swear, Astrid is the most hilarious Eva ever. I can't wait how she pulls off the big rant. She starts to sing. "Well woop de do you got me. Okay, everything is true. I'll still wake up a winner, and you'll still wake up- you!" She glares at me. "Go on, judge me all you want to, ignore me in the halls. I just did what you wish you could but YOU DON'T HAVE THE BALLS! Paint me as the villain, but by the time this ends, I'll have the trophy in my hands and all you'll have is FRIENDS! YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF LOSERS! I'M HERE TO REPRESENT!" Eva's clearly losing it. "I'M DAZZLING! MAGNIFICENT! YOU'RE THE ONE PERCENT!" She lets out an angry screech. 

 "Wow, Astrid. Wow." Axel remarks. 

 Timeskip to after the read through brought to you by the crazy amount of time I spend on random name generator making characters.

 I'm packing up from rehearsal when I hear a voice behind me. "Hi hon." I recognize that voice and turn around quickly. 

"What are you even doing here?" I ask, annoyed and a bit scared.

 "That's no way to greet someone." Olivia scoffs. "My my dumbass sister had an acting class here in the morning and she lost something. I heard you had to go to the hospital." 

 "Why is that any of your business?" I respond. I just want to go home.

 "I heard wittle baby Bella had a panic attack." She sneers in a mock baby voice. 

 "Hey!" Someone shouts. "Leave her alone!" Its the mystery girl!

 "And why should I?" Olivia retorts. The girl just glares at her. Olivia seems to realize that she can't scare her and turns around and leaves. 

 "Are you ok?" The girl asks.

 "Y-yeah." I reply. "Thanks."

 "No problem." She says. "I'm Carmen by the way. I play Danielle." 

 "Oh, cool!" I respond. "I'm Bella. Campbell."

 "Nice to meet you, Bella." Carmen says shaking my hand. "Olivia sucks. I don't understand why she does stuff like that. Stay safe, okay?" 

 "Okay." I agree. She gives me a high five and walks away. When our hands touch, I feel my heartbeat speed up. That's weird. I pull out my phone and google it. 

 Sped up heartbeat upon contact can be a sign of a crush.

 I laugh. Yeah, no. Its probably just the numbing cream wearing off, right? I don't have a crush. And especially not on a girl. I'm straight. Although, now that I think about it, I've never had a crush on a boy. But I'm only 11. Its normal. I'm probably just a late bloomer. I push the thought aside and start on my homework.

AN: I probably won't update tomorrow, but this chapter is longer than the ones I usually post so I think its  a fair compromise. Also shoutout to the Discord crew! :)

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