Chapter 32

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Barrett's POV

 Bella had been drifting in and out of consciousness for almost a week, but she's been doing a lot better. She's been stable for the past few days and she finally got taken off the ventilator! Today, it was time to go home. "Bella?" I whisper, gently shaking her awake. "You're going home today."

 She looks up at me, smiling. "I am?"

 "Yeah. You are!" I grab her something to eat from downstairs, and we get ready for the day.

 Bella's POV

 After so long, I'm finally going home! My doctor comes in. "You did it Bella!" She exclaims. She unhooks me from the leads and takes a pair of scissors. She cuts off my hospital bracelet. Having the hospital bracelet off feels amazing. It feels so freeing. It means I'm not a patient anymore! I'm out of the hospital, and hopefully won't have to come back for a lonnnggggg time. We get home and five minutes later there's a knock on the door. Barrett opened the door and 3 people came in, carrying a box of chocolates. I recognized the two adults as Jessica Keenan Wynn and Elle McLemore. The younger girl looks a bit older than me. She has really light auburn hair, almost blonde.

 "Omg hi!" Barrett shouts running to hug them. "Bella, this is Elle and Jess. They were in Heathers with me. And this is Cat, my little sister." 

 "Hi!" I say, cheerfully. Cat walks toward me and hands me the box of chocolates.

 "Here." She says. "There are for you."

 "Thank you!" I tell her.

 "Do you wanna watch a movie?" Barrett asks.

 "Sure!" I exclaim. We all decide on Beetlejuice, but I'm exhausted from everything that's happened, so I fall sleep halfway through. I wake up to Barrett shaking me, gently. 

 "The movies over." She tells me. "Also, I have some bad news, honey."

 "What is it?" I ask nervously.

"The hospital called." She says. "They saw something strange with your joints and want to do an MRI tomorrow. They also said you lost a ton of blood in the shooting. They want to do a transfusion."

 "When?" I ask. I can tell from Barrett's face that I won't like the answer.

 "Right now." She responds. I start to panic but Cat pulls me aside.

 "You probably don't know this, but I have a blood condition." She says. 

 "I'm sorry." I tell her.

"It's ok." She says. "I have to get blood tests all the time and a transfusion every 10 years so I know, it's scary, but you can do it."

 I take a deep breath. "Ok." I say. I grab my hospital bag and pack my phone, a charger, earbuds, my rabbit, and a book. "Ready!" I say. Jess, Elle, and Cat decide to come too.

 "Ok." The nurse says. "We're gonna have to do a checkup to make sure you're ready for your transfusion." We all chat and catch up while she takes my blood pressure, temperature, pulse, and checks my heartbeat. But then, she gets the IV ready. 

 "No!" I yell, tears starting to form in my eyes. 

 "I remember something my aunt and did to calm me down before a needle." Cat tells me. She takes my hand and traces it. It somehow calms me down. I feel a pinch and the IV's in! Barrett reads to me until I fall asleep. 

AN: Thanks to @chaoticgeek for the ideas for the chapter.

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