Chapter 30

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It's been two months and I'm flying back to. Korea to New York to check Lisa's case. Still there's no traces. Loco and Ella are crying whenever I'm face timing them. They'll ask why Lisa is not coming back, does Lisa still loves them?

Lisa's parents already hired investigators and Urassaya is found in a island but she manage to escape. While Lisa's hidden brother still has no clue who he is. His parents chose to not say anything which cause me really mad because it will be big help if they revealed who his but still it's a no for them.

Ella said Lisa's brother is cool and he looks like an idol. But she don't remember his face because she's only a baby when she last saw him.

I left Loco to Nayeon she said its okay because she loves Loco, but Loco still wants me so every week I'm coming back to Korea to spend a time with him. If you're asking why I'm not taking him, it's for his safety. I've been receiving death threats so its not safe if my son is with me alone whenever I'm out of the country.

While I left Ella to Rosie, we talked and forgave each other and she's really sorry to the mess she caused but it's over so I'm really okay with it. I also met her daughter Jiselle who's happen to be my son's girlfriend. I scold him for that but he said Lisa gave him permission to have a girlfriend.

"Don't cry baby, mommy's just gonna finished her work and she'll comeback to Korea ." I said, Loco's crying and begging me to come and get him to Nayeon.

"Why won't you let me go with you, mommy?" he asked and cries again

"Mommy's work is really hard and Mommy is still finding a way to know where dada is" I said and he nodded but still pouting. "Why don't you like Nabong anymore?" I asked and he quickly shake his head.

"I love Nabong but she's always making fun of me, so sometimes I'm annoyed mommy" he said and yawned. It's evening in Korea right now it's his bedtime.

" What mommy told you? Don't be annoyed to the people who love you and care for you right?" I asked and he nodded and gave me a yawn which made me laugh "Are you sleepy?"

"A little bit mommy" he said but a yawn come out that made him giggled "I'm sleepy mommy" he confessed.

"Okay, lay down and mommy's gonna sing you a song"

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

You'd be like Heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much

At long last, love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

"Still not sleepy baby?" I asked and he just shake his head.

Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothin' else to compare

The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak

But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
(No copyright infringement) (Just making sure)

I heard him snored a little so I'm sure he's asleep so I hang up the call.

"Jennie, You're done for today. Aren't you so tired? You sure you still can go back to Korea?" Ria asked me. I nodded because I'm really so tired but I need to go to Korea because Loco is really eager to see me.

" Gonna take a nap in the flight" I said and tap her back because she's really worried for me.

I entered the plane with my sunglasses on. I lay down to take a nap this will be a long hella flight.

I'll be in Korea 10 in the morning g so I should give my self a peace before finding Lisa again. I'm not sure is she's missing or she's hiding.

But what I'm annoyed with is her family. If they revealed who's their son is, there will be no complications but no. They are all giving me an headache.

I plug my earphone and played my favorite song. After this I'm with my son again. I'm really thankful to Nayeon that she's taking care of Loco for now. I'm suggesting I can drop Loco to my parents house but Nayeon said its okay for her to take care of Loco.

Ella's been depressed lately because of her parents neither one of them are there for her, my son is not talking about Lisa, he's just asking when his Noona's dada will come.

I'm sure Loco still not forgotten what Lisa said last time. But I'm sure Loco will forgive Lisa eventually.

"We are third in priority for take off , we should depart in about five minutes. Flight attendants, prepare for take-off please" the captain said to the speaker I plug out my earphones and look for my mirror.

"Ma'am, wear your seatbelt please, thanks" The flight attendant politely asked me. When she saw who is she talking to her eyes grew wide "OMG! Are you Ms. Jennie Ruby Jane Kim?!" she asked but eventually apologize because of her excitement.

I laugh and nodded, she asked for a pictur that I of course gave her. "Thanks! The magazines did not give justice to your beauty ma'am!" she's aid and giggled before showing the picture to her colleagues.

Her colleagues growled because they want picture too, but we are about to take off so the can't. Ah! Korea here we go again.

I wear my sunglasses and carefully get off. The attendant are in awe and they shyly ask if they can take a picture with me "Of course you can" I said.

I saw Kai in the exit waving his hand to me he's been my driver whenever I'm going back here in Korea, he said its okay because win his friend.

"Thanks Ms. Ruby Jane! Your walk was so nice that's why you are the most gorgeous super model!" They even praise me and say their goodbyes.

"I'm so tired aigooo," I said and tap Kai's back before going in to his car. It's a new one actually. " Sorry for bothering you at this time Kai"

"Come on! It's okay! I'm your friend right? Loco's been excited because his gonna see his mommy again" he said but eventually become serious.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"There's a lead where is Lisa, Jen" he said and fasten the pace of the car.

Follow me in twitter-cheesebulgogi

Sorry for the typos

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Can't take my eyes of you -
Song by Frankie Valli

Mistress (Jenlisa)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora