Chapter 20: Who is Amarok?

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After an hour and a half of mating, Sasha found herself clutching onto tufts of fur belonging to her enormous monster. He had dozed peacefully while laying amongst the fallen leaves and ferns. Eventually he came around and sat up, but the pain returned to his back. He winced and reached for his back, and Sasha reached up and rubbed his back. "You should get some more rest. I'm not going to let you roam around when you're hurting" she said.

She heard his stomach growl out loudly. She sighed heavily and got up heading for where the others were training. "You think you'll be healed when I get back?" she asked lowly.



He tried to get up, and she pushed against him to lie down. "No, get some rest"

"Why are you so worried all of the sudden? You know I've been through so much worse" he said before she turned to shoot him an annoyed look. He froze and gulped at her sudden change in mood. "Uh, I mean...I don't like making you worry all the time" he said nervously.

She frowned and shook her head. "You're just going to have to deal with it, Toby! I'm your girlfriend!" she spoked sternly. She turned back and looked him in the eyes intensely. "I have a right to worry about by boyfriend's wellbeing! Especially when they are as stubborn as you!" she said before she ruffled his fur and left him.

Once she came out into the open, she overheard Ulf talking about what happened when Toby's father was murdered. "During that night, he and his mother were being hunted. We found their car on the bottom of a ravine, and we think that the hunters followed them for days. We found a body of a partially consumed man and one of Steele's wolves. I don't know if it was Lilian who killed him. I suspect that the man snuck up on them while Lilian was hunting.

The wolf probably warned Toby to hide before it was shot, and Toby attacked him. We think that the wound to the man's neck was what killed him, but we don't know if Toby ate him. Lilian wouldn't tell us if they at the body. I don't think she would have" he said before he started off towards the rest of the group.

Sasha gulped as she followed close behind. "So, what will happen if you find out he ate him?" she asked.

He shrugged and looked at her sternly. "Nothing, he was threatened, and he made a fresh kill. The laws get a bit laxer out in the wilderness when it comes to eating people. It's called the Donner Clause. Toby will be protected under it...if he did" he said.

She shivered at the thought. "Just how lax is this law?" she asked.

He cleared his throat. "Well, it just states that if out in the wilderness during hardship, and you come across a deceased human, you can...well you get the idea. If you are being hunted, and you kill the hunter then you could technically eat them under that law. It's all about how they died not what happened after they died" he said as they arrived.

Todd gasped. "Werewolves eat people!?" he shouted.

Ulf scowled at him. "Did you listen to the whole conversation!?" he raised his voice.

Todd shook his head, and the others were nervous around Zoe who was munching very loudly into her snacks. "So, he actually killed a human when he was a pup? I don't believe that any pup could kill an adult human. They can't even transform!"

"Pups are unlikely to transform...with what he went through, of course he would. At least in here" Ulf said before he pointed to his temple. "Superhuman abilities would still manifest themselves" he explained before he looked towards the twins. "You two already saw how effortless it was for him to kill that teenager back when you are pups, remember?"

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