Chapter 11: Girls Love the Fur

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It was getting late at night, and a tall elderly gentleman was walking down the trail with his cane. Sasha had laid stood beside the monstrous wolf and grew nervous thinking this man was going to freak out. She held her breath and obstructed him as best as she could.

Lilian and Kolbe glanced over at the man, and they went over to him where they talked to him lowly. "So, what are we going to do now?" Lilian asked.

The man eyed the teen couple and pulled out his pipe. "We wait..." he said as he started stuffing tobacco into the chamber.

"Wait for what exactly?" Kolbe asked.

The man put the stem of his pipe to his lips and pulled out a match box. "His rationality has taken a back seat. Only his primal nature is functioning right now" he said before he struck the match illuminating his thick eyebrows and mutton chops as he lit his pipe. He waved it out extinguishing it as he took a puff of smoke. "All we can do is ensure he stays put until he comes to his senses"

"How long is that going to take?" Kolbe asked.

"Last time it took him a little under 7 hours" Lilian chimed in.

"7 hours!? I don't have time for that!" Kolbe shouted.

"Well, maybe you should have listened to me!"

"I don't believe it will take as long as the first. The first time transforming into Lycaon form is always hardest. The girl will help in that" Jean said as smoke rolled out of his mouth.

Sasha gasped. "M-m-me? Are you talking about me? How am I helping?"

The man took a big puff and looked at her curiously. "Tell me, what made you say when you saw him in this state? Why did you not run?"

"Toby told me it would be stupid to run. Wolves like to chase things" Sasha replied.

"Hon hon hon" The man chuckled at this.

She gave it some more thought. "I just know that...his wolf claimed me to be his mate. I've already been with him when his wolf side comes out. I know he remembers me, and the time we spent together" she said although she laughed nervously. "I might be just stupid"

"Hmm, I don't think you're stupid. You already knew how deep a connection you have with him. Having said that, a wolf is most comfortable in the company of their mate. He would have sought you out had you not been here"

"Oh...that's comforting" Sasha muttered before she thought about how her father would react to this beast showing up in their backyard.

Bernie, Yvonne, and Zoe arrived, and when Zoe caught sight of Toby now with Sasha riding on top of his back, she immediately stopped in her tracks shouting, "Seriously!? What the hell!? I can't believe you been holding back on me!"

"Pfh, you already know he could do this" Bernie snorted. He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. "I'll reach this form soon enough"

"I've now seen it! I thought you were exaggerating things! Now I can't unsee it!" Zoe shouted.

The old man turned to look towards her and rolled his eyes. "Must everything be a competition with you? This is something serious" he scolded her.

A group of joggers were running down the pathway with headlamps and red flashers on their backs. Zoe ran over to Toby and simulated holding onto reins while Sasha stiffened up awkwardly. The joggers slowed down staring at them, and Zoe turned away imitating a nicker.

Confused, the joggers resumed their speed down the trail saying, "Wow, what a strange looking horse"

"I know right? Looked like a giant dog"

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