Chapter 12: Ambush!

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Sasha was in her room lying on her bed with her dog smiling gleefully. Her dog lay on her belly looking up at her moping. She laughed patting her sad pup's head as she pulled out her phone and sent out a group text to her club.

"Guess what?" —Sasha 23:45

"You got to see Toby naked?" —Clare 23:45

"Close" —Sasha 23:46

"I got to see his Lycaon form" —Sasha 23:46

"His what?" —Terra 23:47

"What do you mean he went Lycaon?" —Rea 23:47

Sasha giggled. "It's a full wolf form except it's as big as a horse, maybe bigger 😉" —Sasha 23:48

"Oh wow...did you take a pic?" —Clare 23:48

Sasha skimmed through her phone and picked her best picture, which it was poorly lit, but you could definitely make out a giant wolf head next to her lap. She was scratching behind the wolf's ear. The exposure was long, so things look a little burry.

"O_o holy cow!" —Terra 23:49

"I can't believe that's him!" —Clare 23:49

"What!? :omg: You serious?" —Terra 23:49

"Yup! And his fur is super soft and warm. I got to sleep on him for a little bit :blushes:" —Sasha 23:49

"I hate you :x" —Terra 23:49

"Dangerous! You weren't scared? (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)" —Kari 23:49

"I'm not afraid of my boyfriend. He remembers our time together :3" —Sasha 23:50

"( ‿ ! ‿ ) + (Ͼ )( Ͽ) ԅ(≖ᴥ,≖ԅ)" —Kari 23:52



"I hope my step-dad doesn't find out about my boyfriend's wolf side. He's really warmed up to Toby after the game though" —Sasha 23:54

"Would you mind having a werewolf for a husband?" —Terra 23:55.

Sasha blushed bright red. "I kind of like that idea. He's very protective of me" —Sasha 23:56

"Isn't he a little too big?" —Kari 23:56

"Yea, I get what you mean about him being too big, but I don't mind it. I've gotten used to it. Afterall it's all about love" —Sasha 23:57

"Oh my god really Sasha! You did it with him!?" —Kari 23:58

Sasha bit her lip and giggled to herself. "No, I haven't yet. I'm a little nervous if he wolfs out" —Sasha 23:59

"He'll wolf out and transform just like other wolfmen do during sex" —Clare 0:00

"Oh, and you might want a lot of lube for his big boy" —Clare 0:01

":evillaugh:" —Terra 0:01

"I was going to, but then that bitch screwed my arm up" —Sasha 0:01

"Talking bout Toby?" —Zoe 0:01

"Oh crap, I forgot they were on" —Sasha 0:02

"Don't worry I got plenty of lube, babe 😉" —Toby 0:02


Sasha squealed and squirmed. What happened to his timid shy self? "Is this Phoebe?" —Sasha 0:02

"Nope, It's me" —0:03

He sent her a private text. "If you want to mate just let me know. I'll be there no problem :wolf:" —Toby 0:03

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