Chapter 16: All Hallows' Eve

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Another week passed, and it was already Halloween. Toby, Tommy, and Phoebe walked to Sasha house all were in their anthro forms dressed up as werewolves for Halloween. Toby's naturally looked the most impressive. Sasha greeted him wearing a slightly risqué red riding hood costume complete with red hooded cloak along with a wicker picnic basket.

Toby gave her a seductive growl while his siblings rolled their eyes. Her mother came over and laughed as she caught a glimpse of him.

"Oh, look at you! That's costume is so awesome!" she told him, and she nudged him playfully.

"Really? Little Red Riding hood?" Phoebe muttered.

"I'm actually Thicc Red Riding Hood" Sasha joked before she looked at them all. "What are you dress up as?"

"I'm Beast Belle from Beauty" Phoebe spoke proudly.

"I'm just a werewolf" Tommy slightly embarrassed.

"I was supposed to dress up?" Toby muttered.

Sasha's mother busted out laughing. "Todd come downstairs! I want to take a picture of you!" she shouted.

They made their way to the fireplace, and Todd came downstairs timidly. He looked over at them shocked. "M-m-mom!? Are you serious!? They are real werewolves!" He shouted as she took several pictures with her phone.

She looked back at him and frowned. "Where's your costume?"

"I'm not going!"

"But Todd! Free candy" Tommy added.

"It's okay, he's probably still afraid" Phoebe said.

"I'm not afraid!" Todd shouted.

"You sound afraid" Phoebe retorted.

"Todd...I think it would be a good idea if you hang around them. Afterall, Tommy and Nathan saved you...remember?" His mother said.

"Come on Todd...Wouldn't it be fun to join a rowdy rambunctious pack of werewolves for Halloween? No one is going to bully you. Just tell 'em your sister is dating Toby" Sasha said before she looked towards Toby adamantly.

"I'm putting these all on Facebook!" Sasha's mother said as she focused on her phone. "Oh, your Grandma and Grandpa are going over"

"Oh, they must really like Toby then"

"Oh yes honey, they want to go on that trip you've been planning on going"

"Uh, do they know?" Phoebe asked.

"Sasha has already told them" Toby explained.

Todd made his way back downstairs dressed as the Incredible Hulk. Zoe and Nathan came over dressed as werewolf Wonder Woman and Superman. Sasha's mother made them come inside and join the photo shoot. Afterwards, they all headed outside and walked through the neighborhood, trick-or-treaters and parents stared at him as they walked by.

Eventually they reached the street corner where Zoe, Sasha, and Toby would separate from Tommy and Phoebe's group.

"You got our numbers right?" Zoe asked.

"Yes" Nathan groaned.

"See ya!" Toby told them with his scary voice. Todd shuttered and gulped as Sasha walked off with them. Toby's werewolf paw was under Sasha's cloak obviously getting a feel of her rump. He growled to himself lowly irritated with his sister dating that brute.

Once they arrived at Clare's mansion, Clare answered the door dressed up as a succubus with a skimpy leather bikini sort of thing. Her wings and horns looked super realistic. She stared at Toby always in awe before she snickered to herself. "Whoa! You just keep getting bigger don't you! Just don't knock your head on the top of the door on your way in" she told him.

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