Chapter 13: Champoeg

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Sasha stood in the living room with Lilian, Haley, and her sister, Zoe. She did not like the awkward silence with them staring at her. So, she thought about something to talk about while Toby was raiding the kitchen. "So, um...since y'all have such acute do y'all deal with being in such close spaces? Is there any privacy?" she asked.

Lilian stared at her blankly before she smiled. "Yea, there isn't really a private conversation in this Den. You'd have to turn up music to encrypt anything you want to have private" she said.

Zoe grinned. "Oh, and be sure to clear out the air after you do anything intimate...and I already told you about gargling" she added.

Suddenly there was a loud clattering as the pans started crashing into the floor, and Lilian jumped. "Shit..." Toby muttered. He picked up the pans.

She immediately looked towards the kitchen and growled lowly. "Excuse me for a sec" she spoke softly before she into the kitchen. She saw the mess and no longer felt sorry for him and his injuries. "What in the hell are you doing!?" she yelled.

Sasha and Zoe both giggled to themselves, and Haley smirked preferring to take this over mourning any day.

"Uh...making Lunch..." He said.

She looked at the heavy-duty pot with several Macaroni and Cheese boxes of the noodles, the packages of cheese, and un-boiled water all in the pot. "That's not how you make Mac'n Cheese!" she yelled.

The laughter in the other room grew even harder and out of control at this point. "Not the way I make it" He muttered.

"Get outta here‼" She yelled yanking him out of the kitchen.

He scampered off, and he sniffed his arm pit and twitched. "I'm going to the Waterfall and clean off...I smell like sanitizer" He said as he walked past the girls.

Sasha cocked her head. "Waterfall?" She asked.

Zoe laughed. "He means shower...Toby forgets most of the time to drop the werewolf vernacular when he's talking to a human or not. I think he's taken a few too many shots to the head or something"

Sasha nodded then smiled happily. "So, I take it werewolves don't talk like that around humans normally right?" She grinned widely realizing that this might be something great. "What if he just sees me as another wolf?" she suggested.

Zoe shrugged. "Meh, you're his girlfriend" although, she smirked evilly. "...But I could teach you a few more things about being a wolf" she said.

Sasha's face lit up "Okay!" she shouted with excitement.

Zoe cleared her throat. "Well, there's several things we do differently than humans. First off, you remember when I told you we don't do much PDA, we like to take our wolf man out back out into the middle of the forest and devour his face if you know what I mean" she said, which Sasha blushed madly and nodded.

"Second, we're very open to mating outdoors. He likes it better that way...and don't freak out if he turns in the middle. It's better that way. Actually, encourage him'll like it" she continued on before she nudged her. "Be adventurous don't be afraid to rough him up and be unconventional to spice things up" she whispered into her ear.

Haley snickered to herself. "That might get her pregnant"

Sasha gulped and nodded. "So...can he smell whenever I am on know?" she asked shyly.

Zoe nodded. "Oh yea! He'll know what your body is doing even to the most embarrassing detail, when you're ovulating, when you're on your period, when you've missed it, when you're pregnant, when you're on the pill" she said. She cleared her throat. "Toby will vomit and act weird just to let you know" she said.

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