Chapter 7: Show and Tell

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As the bell rang, Toby got up with Sasha, where she bumped into him then their eyes met once more. She looked into them deeply with a smile then touched his arm. He felt butterflies in his stomach as she brushed a strand of hair from her face batting her eyes at him. "You know, you have really beautiful eyes" she complimented.

He froze up and gulped. "Uh...You smell nice...wait uh...I mean" he said before she giggled.

"I'll see you later!" she said before she looked over at the door seeing Olivia had already walked out. "Um, Toby? Can you walk me to my next class? I don't know this place very well and..." she said before he got up and smiled at her.

"I know...I saw her" he said before he motioned her to follow. She quickly rushed over and huddled up to his side. He walked them out the door passed Olivia and her gang, which he eyed them intensely. They looked away timidly, and Olivia was livid.

Sasha looked up at him smiled at him gratefully still leaning back up against him. "Look, if Olivia gives you any problems, please text Zoe and I" he said sternly.

She nodded and touched his chest lightly. "Thanks, Toby, but...honestly...I think I might switch my schedule to yours. I feel much safer with you, anyway" she said meekly before she walked off. She looked back and smiled affectionately.

The school councilor approached him from behind, and he set his wolf hand puppet onto his shoulder. "Are you having a bad day, Toby?" the puppet said in a cute monster voice. Toby looked over his shoulder at the councilor who was channeling a Bob Ross vibe. "You didn't think you were going to get off that easy, did you? It's my job to make sure that alphas like you get guidance" the puppet said.

The students snickered at Toby getting wolfie therapy, which he took in a deep breath and sighed. "I don't have a problem right now!" he spoke harshly to the councilor.

"Ah, ah, ah! Talk to wolfie! He has the doctorate in psychology!" the councilor told him with a mischievous grin. Toby glared at him before the councilor cleared his throat somewhat fearing for his life. "Look, I know you're stressed out, but losing control of your inner...tendencies in school is very dangerous" he said before the puppet growled. "You're a good wolf Toby...don't be letting Peter and Ian ruffle your fur...Blah" the puppet said before he spat up a hall pass.

Toby stared at the pass oddly knowing that the councilor performed a sleight of hand, but he was not sure why the councilor had to make the puppet regurgitate hall passes every time. "Now get to class!" the puppet shouted somewhat aggressively. The hall pass was signed by none other than Wolfie with a decorative paw print next to it.


For the rest of the day, all the students talked about the cafeteria incident instead of the tunnel incident. Toby was grateful when the final bell rang, but suddenly this new sense of dread filled his head when some jocks walked by him bumping into him.

"Toby, you better not fuck things up!" One of them muttered as they bumped into him. "Ow...jesus!" he muttered after rubbing his shoulder after they ran it into Toby's steel-like bones.

Zoe approached him and watched the jocks amused. "Okay, know you can stop them from hurting themselves" she told them.

He shrugged. "fine...but..." he said before they saw Sasha under a tree crying. Kari was trying her best to console her, which he growled lowly. He started to march his way over, and Zoe followed after him. Kari looked up with puffy eyes and stared at them. Toby touched Sasha's back and did his best to repress his rage and an impending transformation. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Kari carefully looked between them and gulped knowing Toby was upset. "Olivia went to embarrass her. She called her an ugly fat ass cow and a dumb bimbo...called me some nasty things too" she said.

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