Chapter 15: Never Leave Your Buddy

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A week later, Sasha was spending a lazy Friday afternoon watching movies with her wolfman on the couch. She was very excited, for this night was a full moon, which she thought about her belief that it was suicide being in a same room with a werewolf on a night like this. Instead, here he was sprawled out on the couch shirtless, while she snuggled up under his arm watching Scooby Doo and the reluctant werewolf.

His mother walked in back from work, which she smiled happily. "Hey! I rented a cabin during winter break...would you like to stay a couple nights with us?" she asked.

Sasha's face lit up. "Ooh...I'd love to get snowed in with a pack of werewolves" she said before she winked at him. "Maybe your winter coat will have grown in by then" she said as she stroked his downy chest.

He blushed brightly, and his mother snickered. "Well, Toby does love to play in snow. He's more of a mountain werewolf if you know what I mean" she said.

Sasha nodded. "Yea...I can tell" she said before she scratched at his chest. "You're built for power not speed" she said.

He scowled at her taking offense. "Are you calling me slow?" he asked.

His mother snickered. "Yes, we are, now take my backhanded compliment and accept it" she teased.

Toby growled before Sasha tapped her fist back into his chest. "Hush you!" she said under her breath.

Later that evening went on Sasha was in bed lying on top of a giant mass of fur caught up in the afterglow of their antics. The music played lowly in the background as a slow cool breeze blew in through the window. She groaned clutching onto his fur tightly as she looked into the eyes of her big lover. "I think Shaggy should have stayed a werewolf" she said as pushed off his chest to sit up.

She brushed her disheveled hair with her hands trying to bring some order back to it. She smiled as he set his mighty paw-like hand onto her hip giving it an appreciative rub. "You think so?" he said in a deep monstrous voice.

She leaned in and crossed her arms over his colossal chest smiling at him. "Yea...if you think about it...Shaggy was always a werewolf, and he could change back and forth. Maybe with a little practice he could master you" she said before she touched the underside of his maw and kissed him on the nose.

She smiled awkwardly. "This is still going to take some getting used to" she said as she ran her hand over his face smiling mischievously. "That was the weirdest way to have sex though. Are you werewolves always this kinky?" she asked.

He chuckled wholesomely. "Don't get used to it...Things become less interesting and predictable otherwise, right?" he said before he licked her neck affectionately.

She sighed with content. "Alright! You definitely are interesting...though as far as being unpredictable..." she said before she started scratching behind his lupine ear. She grinned as his leg moved on its own accord. "...I will give that a maybe" she said smugly.

She scooted her way down his body. "Would you like to do it again?" she asked with a slight hint of red.

He let off a seductive growl and wagged his tail. "I am if you are" he said.

She licked her lips before she bit her bottom lip. "I'll try not to make a mess this time" she muttered feeling embarrassed.

He rolled his eyes. "It happens...just don't worry about the mess. Messes can get cleaned up" he said. She smiled faintly before she looked at him with hungry alluring eye as she began to press and rub her body against his.

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