Chapter 18: Another Growth Spurt

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After Toby had changed his clothes, he came back downstairs and ran his fingers through his hair. Now Ulf and Bernie were downstairs along with Randall, Gwen, and the rest of the pack. Bernie was handling the werepup while they were discussing their plans with the upcoming Solstice even.

"So, how's the little stud doing?" Bernie joked.

He took a couple steps into the living room staring at everyone. "Why are you all here?" He muttered.

"Tch, why? We always visit you turd" Zoe spoke.

" got big" The young toddler said as he ran up to him to gawk.

They all stared at him before Yvonne asked Bernie and Randall to stand next to Toby. To their amusement, Toby was an inch or two taller than them. "Oh wow! did grow"

"No, those two shrank" Zoe protested.

"What does that make him? 7'5"?" Gwen asked.

"No! I can't be" Toby remarked.

"You dad was that tall" Bernie added.


"Join the Basketball team" Gwen suggested.

"Heh, it's the curse of the Alpha that's for sure?" Randall asked.

"I I going to stop growing. I don't want to be even more of a freak than I already am" He said as he examined his body seeing his muscles which were much larger than they were prior.

Zoe squeezed a bicep smirked. "Mmm Beefy..." she muttered. She looked down at his quads and blushed. "I don't know what you're all complaining about. You're build like a tank, nuff said"

"Hey, Tank! That's sounds like a suiting werewolf nickname don't you think?" Gwen asked.

Randall and his relatives all looked at her strangely. Ulf shook his head at her and told her, "Mammoth sounds more suiting"

"Hun, a werewolf name shouldn't have a weapon of man in it" Randall informed her.

"Stick the word wolf in it. Wolftank sounds more badass" Bernie told them.

"Toby...I think we should take you to see Dr. Lovejoy sooner!" She muttered in shock.

Bernie snickered to himself. "Hey, how about we talk about building that house for him" he segued them back into the discussion. Toby cocked his head to the side before Bernie continued patting him on the arm. "We've all been drawing up plans to build you a den that you can move into once you graduate"


"Over at Steele's ridge of course" Bernie remarked.

"Your room is even big enough for you to relax in your Therian'll love it!" Gwen told him.

"What about College?" Toby asked.

"We'll rent out a home for you and Zoe on Lake Oswego on the actual lakefront. I doubt there'd be a dorm big enough to fit you two anyway"

He looked at the floor troubled. "What about Sasha and Todd? I promised I'd look after him" He asked.

Bernie laughed and nudged him. "Hey, don't you forget about me and the rest of us...You aren't the only one that can help Todd"

He sighed rubbing his head groggily before his stomach growled again. "Hold up...are you saying that Zoe is going to be my roommate? What if she has her baby?" he asked.

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