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Just as Dream's axe hits me, I hear him cry out. I'm back at spawn, dead, but so is Dream. I check chat and see that George killed Dream BEFORE Dream killed me. "How is that even possible??" I ask, I assume Dream has left his desk because his line is silent.

George and Sapnap are screaming and laughing. I join in, switching my gamemode to creative. George teleports to me and we dance around the map. Sapnap builds a sort of prison out of bedrock around Dream's afk character.

Eventually, Dream does come back, but he doesn't say anything to us at first. "Aww... is little dweam sad that he lost to a girl twice in one day??" George coos.

"George, don't be sexist," Sapnap scolds, punching George's character. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"You're fine!" I say, laughing. Dream switches to creative and mines out of the bedrock silently. He approaches my character, so I shift up and down. He pauses for a moment then pulls out an axe. I see in chat that he switched back to survival. 

"1v1?" he asks. I switch to survival as well and pull out a stone axe like him. 

"Oooooh I wanna see this." Sapnap says, teleporting to us. George joins as well and takes it upon himself to count us down.

"Ready? 3...2...1...GO!" Dream charges, but I dodge. I can tell that his frustration in losing is going to lead him to take an aggressive stance. We fight for a while, but he's too prideful to walk away and heal, so I beat him easily... well, I wouldn't say easily since I got down to half a heart a few times, but it was definitely easier than the first time. 


"Oh come on now," is all Dream says to that. 

"Good fight, Clay. Better luck next time." I repeat his words from earlier, but I don't know if he remembers. 

"Yeah... yeah. Okay, well I'm exhausted and my ego is damaged, so I think I'm gonna end the stream here. Anything you guys wanna say?" George, Sapnap, and I all say our goodbyes and Dream ends the stream, raiding Karl. 

"Kay, bye people," George says, logging off of the call. 

"See ya Y/N. Oh, and Dream I guess." I laugh at Sapnap, but still say goodbye. Once the two boys are gone, the call is completely silent. I mute my mic in fear of breathing too loud. 

"So, you're really good?" Dream asks eventually.

"Uhh... I don't know. I guess I'm fine." This makes him burst out laughing.

"Fine?! If you're just fine what the hell does that make me?!" I roll my eyes.

"A minecraft god," I say as he wheezes. "No, seriously. I mean it Clay. Everything I know about fighting, I learned from watching your videos and streams. You literally taught me minecraft."

"Oh I highly doubt that. No way you're that good just from watching videos."

"I mean, I practiced, but I didn't even know there was a nether or an end to the game before watching your first manhunt video. I was a COMPLETE noob." (this is true... I didn't know you could beat the game...)

"Hmm. I still think you're underselling yourself, but I'm glad my videos helped. I'm gonna head to bed now, though. 'Night Moo."

"Goodnight Clay. Sweet dreams," I say, giggling. 

"Shut up."

"You know you love me." The words come out of my mouth before I even think about them. I'm about the correct myself when he speaks.

"You're right." And with that, he disconnects.

Uhh... okay then. I won't overthink it I guess. I jump into my bed, but I won't be able to sleep for a while. It's too early. I go back and watch the manhunt from his stream. It's actually kinda funny seeing things that happened to him that I had no idea about.

Eventually, I do fall asleep, though. With the move in only four days, I seriously need to start being more productive. My phone goes off as I'm falling asleep, but I don't bother look. If it's important they'll call me.

~time skip~

Today is Saturday, the day Lucy, my parents, and Thomas are helping me move. Everything is ready for them when they arrive at nine. I had my last morning practice with the UofM team this morning, so we couldn't start until now. It was really sad saying goodbye to all of my friends, but I'll still visit when I come back to see my parents.

Although driving from Michigan to Florida isn't very convenient, it would have been more difficult to fly all my crap there. We rented a giant van for my parents to drive down. Lucy isn't coming with us, but she wanted to help pack up and say goodbye. Thomas and I are driving down in my car. 

My parents and Thomas are going to stay for a few days since they can drop the van off in Florida, but then they're flying back. By three, everything is packed up and we take off. We're just going to drive through the night so that we don't have to stop at the hotel. 

Thomas and I take off behind my parents so that they can have a lead. About four hours in, we all pull over for my mom to take a bathroom break. While Tom and I wait in the car, he offers to take over driving until the next stop. We all ate dinner about an hour ago in the car, so we probably won't stop until someone needs the bathroom again.

I make sure he's okay driving that long and he says it's fine. Once we take off, I immediately grow sleepy because of the soft music playing in the background. "It's okay if you wanna sleep for a while. Don't worry about me," Tom says around the third time I force myself awake.

"Thank you," I smile then let myself drift off to sleep. It only feels like about five minutes later when I wake up to my phone ringing over the bluetooth.

One incoming voice call from dreamwastaken

To be continued...

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