chapter four

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The stars filled my eyes.

No. The stars filled someone's eyes that did not belong to me.

As I stared deeper into the dragon shaped, heavy hooded mysterious eyes. Just by one stare you could get lost in them forever. Like taking a path that never ends it just keeps going on for eternity.

Looking within the eyes, I got mesmerized by seeing the stars, constellations, and...chairs?

Yes, chairs I couldn't tell how many although. Then I heard something.


This voice sounded like one from a man. It was very deep as deep as the ocean. However, it was calming like this voice could say anything and bring the world to peace.

"Look within the stars Scorpio child"

I was getting very confused.


I kept hearing those words being said, one after another.

"Only a chosen can bring harmony by colliding with another..."

I was immersed into the galaxy that the voice brought to me, "w-what do you mean...chosen?"

"Remember my voice child, till we meet again."

Suddenly, everything started spinning.

"Wait, no I don't understand!" Everything is so confusing.

The stars and whole galaxy spun around me in circles, flashing like a ticking bomb.


Everything was getting brighter so much brighter. The light was blinding.


Without warning I sat up and started breathing heavily, my chest beating up and down, and my heart rate accelerating.

"Ugh" I got an excruciating pain in my head.

"Ouch, what happened?" I said weakly.

My mouth felt as dry as the Sahara desert, and my head was throbbing continuously. All I thought is I need water.

I looked down on me and saw I still had the same clothes on from last night. Then I remembered I went to that party and got drunk out of my mind.

I stood up using all my strength then I saw something on my nightstand. I walked over and saw a bottle of water.

"Oh thank god!" I breathed out.

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