chapter seventeen

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"a gemini and capricorn"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"a gemini and capricorn"

Have you ever felt anxious?

Well that's a stupid question...who hasn't.
And you know what's usually the cause of all the built up anxiety?

One thing.


It can either be schoolwork or homework, however my case was the first day of school. You're usually filled with this type of excitement, but also with nervousness. This makes your stomach feel like it has butterflies in it. That tingly sensation, which engulfs you of worry. And that is exactly how I am feeling this morning.

As I make my way down the spacious hallway, the only sound being heard are my shoes clicking down on the polished floor. As I get farther down I see my destination.
"Room 363"

Before I knew it the first day of school officially began.

My hand shaking grabbed the door handle and with the courage I had I used it to open the door. As expected everyone is here. Just staring at me with only coldness in their eyes. That was until Miss. Kim said one thing.

"Alright class let us begin."
A week has passed since then. And in all honesty the first day of school wasn't all that great. First, no one talked or participated. Second, if there was any bit of communication everybody was just cold and oblivious to each other. Third, even the teacher had some what of a grudge against us students. And lastly I still have not come up with a final plan with Namjoon.


Soon however a voice started pulling me out of my thoughts.

"It has been a week, and no one has been showing signs of improvement. Therefore, I am separating you all in groups."

Gasps and groans began roaming around the classroom. Well except for mine.

"This project will be the easiest work you'll get all year. So, I expect A's. All you have to do is meet up with your group for a week and talk to each other. Then you will present what you learned about each other."

Miss. Kim's voice boomed in authority. She then resumed talking about the project while grabbing a dry erase marker.

And then the clean marker wrote the groups.
"Group one, Jungkook and Jimin. Please meet with each other regularly to work on this."

She then announced group 2,
"Taehyung, Soomin, and Tzuyu please do the same."

And with that the bell rang.

Zodiac | JJK EDITINGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن