chapter twenty-one

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"birthday burdens"

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"birthday burdens"

All of us stood there, our eyes gleaming at what Jungkook had to say.

"Well please do tell."

"Let's take a seat."

Taking our seats one by one, Jungkook finally decided to speak up.
"Firstly, we need to rescue Jimin."

Rolling my eyes, I retorted back, "thank you captain obvious."

Jungkook sighed and interlocked his hands. "Well to rescue Jimin we need to know his schedule and some things about himself." Standing up he began walking towards the front of the room. "I'll go first. I know he is a Libra."

Jungkook slyly gestures his hand to make someone else speak. The only one who seemed to get the clue was Tzuyu.

"Oh! He is very flirtatious." She emphasized the "very" part through gritted teeth.

Taehyung's mouth was partly open, about to say something before I interrupted him.
"Let's get this over." I cross my legs looking like a business woman. "He is a flirty Libra, bisexual, used to be and still is quite popular, and he doesn't like being judged wrongfully." The words flew out of me like it was nothing.

Tae's mouth hung even lower, "H-how did you know all that?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I stare directly at Jungkook knowing one of his powers is omniscience,
"I'm just observant."

Poking his cheek with his tongue he returned the glare gladly,
"Moving on." Jungkook locked eyes with me.

Why does this feel like some sort of sexual tension? I shake my head quick to get rid of the disturbing thought.

"If you really knew everything about him." He coughed and lowly said, "Song Soomin." Not before sitting back in his seat. "You would know he is going to the one and only Libra party this Monday."

"Wait why are they having a party on Monday...we have school."

"Don't ask their libras, they can do anything and still look like angels."

Nodding I placed my hand under my chin waiting for him to continue.

"First thing, we have to go to this Libra party. It's at the Libra's official building. And to do that we need to fake our tattoos to become libras." He gave a nod to Namjoon before carrying on. "After getting in we need to accuse Jimin of something to make him riled up, so he can unlock his powers." He lifts his legs and crosses them on the desk. "Then bam. You can leave and find the next chosen...well maybe it's still a fuzzy there."

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