chapter five

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Time, such a simple word.

But also so complex.

Time passes, time never stays still.

And just like time it passed. It has been a month since the incident, and life went on.

Even though I felt like everything should stop for me, it didn't. It kept moving like a Carousel that just kept spinning and spinning.

During that month I mainly accepted what happened. It was hard I'm not going to lie, but life goes on, so I had to too.

When I first looked in the mirror after it happened I cried. I cried like there was no tomorrow. If my room could flood it would be by my tears. I remember looking at the hickeys, bruises, and scars on me. I felt sorry for myself. However, at the end of the day he didn't end up raping me, so I have to move on.

After two weeks I returned to school. It was awful. Everyone just kept talking about it and spreading gossip. Luckily my friends stood beside me...mostly. Finally after a month it cooled down, and my life was pretty normal again.

Miyoung and Yugyeom were always there talking to me, and Momo was still the same...cold hearted bitch. She really has it out for me for some reason. Then there was Jeongyeon. Sadly after everything she started drifting from me and becoming closer to Momo.

However, the best thing this whole year was about to happen. We were going on a field trip!

It was an annual trip for The Scorpio School of Seoul. Every year they would choose the classes with the best grades and achievements. And this year my class was chosen, including Yugyeom's!

Every year it rotates which influential city we get to travel to, and this year it is Busan. I am excited to travel to Busan. It's beaches, museums, and festivals are to die for. And because we are traveling there during autumn the film festival will be going on!

I hope this trip will be one to remember...

Time skip||one week later
A week passed by and it was a cool mid-October morning. The trees swayed from the breeze, and the leaves fell gracefully in colors of fall. It was silent, but a comfortable silence. I sat on the bench enjoying it, no one was around me because I came early to wait for the bus. As I felt the wind brush through my hair, absorbing the peaceful moment I heard loud chatter and commotion.

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