chapter nine

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The warm brightness started to come in waves of light. I saw the brightness increasing immediately, but soon it faded into soft colors.

And suddenly I gained a sense of the real world. My eyes fluttered open and I could see my surroundings. At the same time I felt a strange warmth. That warmth was right under me, I must be on top of something. However, the "thing" was so comfortable. All I want to do is hold it tighter.

My arms were wrapped around it, so I tightened my grip to the warmth. It was so peaceful, it was like I was in perfect serenity. Soon enough my eyes began to shut again from the security.

But, whatever this thing was moved.

It was wiggling. Although, that made me want to hold onto it more. So again I held on to it for dear life.


Why does it feel like I am hugging someone's waist. A very slim waist to add. Anxiety started to creep in my head, but as soon as this "thing" tapped my shoulder fear took over my body.

"Ugh..can you get off of me?" Someone groaned

W-whose voice is that? Wait am I on someone? Am I hugging a person?! I quickly moved my hands around a body. As I was feeling the "thing" I felt a firmness. It kind of felt like muscles? Hold up, is this a stomach?...are these what I think it is...wait is this cloth a shirt?

My eyes opened so wide that someone could see my soul escape. I looked down to see Jungkook staring at me. He looked very confused, and his cheeks and ears were colored in a red blush. I then looked down to my hands, they were placed on Jungkook's abdomen. I was touching his abs! Now my face was turning reddish pink. Jungkook was about to say something, but before he could something came out of my mouth. A sound I never heard came out of me before...

It was the most war battle shriek I heard in my lifetime. And it came out of me!

The embarrassment and troubled look in me gave away how I felt. I can't believe I just touched somebody like that!

Jungkook covered his ears and winced at the sound I made.
"Why are you hurting my eardrums? Calm down."

I quickly got up and bowed to him.
"I-I'm so sorry!"

"I guess it's fine." He shrugged and got up off the pavement. "But can you do me a favor and not ever make that sound again."

"Uh yeah, I'm sorry again...about touching you." I said guiltily.

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