chapter thirteen

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"Lee Minjung"

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"Lee Minjung"


That apartment...that home. It's in my view once again.

"Minjung...Lee Minjung...our baby..."

Lee Minjung...I've heard and seen this name before. I took a step forward. Soon the ebony darkness turned fully into the apartment, and I could see the little family. The family that has been reoccurring in my dreams for the past days. Usually they are very cute moments in life, only once I got the bad side. Why do I feel this side might occur once more?

The family is perfect. The mother as I recall Choi Haewon, was holding her cute baby girl, Lee Minjung. Meanwhile the father, Lee Sungho has his arms wrapped around his lover's dainty waist. Both are admiring the beautiful creation they made. Just staring at the baby adoringly.

Sungho reached out to caress his baby's cheek, "Lee Minjung. However you may grow up, always remember what your name means. "The people" never forget.

He leaned his head in the crook of Haewon's neck, "even if your mother or I are not with you, you must remember why we named you this. It's your responsibility to stop the separation. To unite the people once again, not rip them apart."

This time Haewon interrupted,"baby, that's what they're doing to us. It's not's not right. They are causing our pain. Our misfortune. When they take us away from you, you have to remember our words. I know you're a baby, but I can sense it you're special enough to remember this."

"Minjung...please remember the people. Remember what is right for society, not what someone tells you. We love you."

Right when Haewon was about to give her daughter a kiss a bang was heard in the door. Sungho's eyes darted from the door, to his lover, and to his child. All filled with anxiety in them.

"Hae, we need to hide her!"

"B-but we don't have t-"
At that moment the door slammed open and alarming sounds followed.

I closed my eyes. I knew it was going to be bad. Stop!Namjoon...this is a dream correct? Then come, help me get out of here. I don't want to see this anymore.

Soon enough a hand grabbed my arm, and turned me around. Hesitantly I opened my eyes. Namjoon. He was smiling at me showing his dimples to the world. However, his smile didn't follow to his eyes.

"It's time to wake up Soomin. It's just a dream. Wake up."

His deep voice echoed through my mind. Soon enough the abyss of darkness returned, and I peaked my eyes open. I saw light. I saw my room. I saw home.

I am in my bed. It was another dream.

I sat up and held my head down low.

"Namjoon" I muttered

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