Only when the sounds of animals growing quite did Ray notice something wrong. The air around Sakura seemed to be sucking the little light they had and he narrowed his eyes.

Taking full notice of what's happening Ray widen his eyes and hurriedly moved beside her.

"Your highness. Please calm yourself! Right now you need to take deep breaths."

Sakura turn to look at him and noticed the panic in his eyes.


"Your highness. Your letting out magic. Magic that you haven't been trained to control, you have to calm yourself or other people can sense it too."

Sakura widen her eyes and looked at herself, she didn't notice anything strange or sensed anything but understood what was happening.

'Shit! I forgot. Sakura, even if she was a villainess and was looked down on, was a someone born with strong magic and had high affinity with her major magic types. I forgot that when she gets too emotional when she gets older, she can end up causing serious damage!'

Sakura really wanted to beat herself when she forgot this one important information of herself. She knew how op Sakura becomes when she is older, but forgot that it first displayed signs when she was a kid.

The reason a kid isn't trained at such a young age before eight years old, even for a noble or royal child is because their body hasn't developed to take in magic energy until around that age.

So if a person tries to train their child before then it can actually lead to the kids death or serious injuries that will remain permanent throughout their lives.

'Sakura was one of those rare exceptions though. Her body was able to use magic at the age of five, when the tutors learned that, they haven't thought of informing Mihkael about it, rather, they trained her behind his back and wanted to make history for being the first people to train a child before the age of 8. Those fools did a horrible job however, they trained her magic, but it was unbalanced. They only thought she had barrier magic and teleportation magic. Because of that, her control over her dark magic was unstable, and made the corruption grab hold of her even easier.'

She quickly started to calm herself, she tries to stop her frustration from taking over her and releasing anymore of her magic energy.

'When Rose's mother learned this from one of her sister's lovers, who was one of Sakura's tutors. She thought it was the best bargaining chip for getting help from the corrupted. She traded Sakura over, just so she can get rid of all her obstacles to being the one beside Mihkael and the mother of the future empress.'

Sakura started to feel that when she tried to calm herself, she started to think more of things, which caused her frustration. But the moment she heard a voice call her in a whimpering whisper, she started to calm down.

She opened her eyes and looked at the child who was clinging to her with tears sliding down her eyes.

"Saku... please.... please don't be sad. Sniff... sniff. We'll be home soon, so don't be sad anymore."

"... I'm sorry, I'm fine now. I really am, so let's go ok."

Sakura felt her surrounding change, she really wanted to sigh and shake her head in shame when she forgot such an important factor of herself.

'I could have trained on my own my magic and used it for today dammit!! But I just forgot this one important factor. How can I forget it!? It would have been my secret weapon that I could have used rather than a stupid hidden knife.'

"We really have to leave quickly your highness. The amount of magical power you released was too unstable and noticable. People from miles away must have noticed it."

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