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After several weeks of seclusion, Sebastian was finally able to put the pain under control. He made himself presentable and headed out to training grounds where people have been asking where he's been and how he was doing. "You're back!" Olivia cries out as she jumps up and throws her arms around him as he catches them both before they topple over. She pulls away as Sebastian puts her on the ground as she looks him over worriedly. "What happened to you? You're so skinny now! Were you sick? Are you hurt anywhere? No-wait...Did you suddenly find your mate?" Olivia looked up at him in hopes that he really didn't find his mate and that the rumors that were circulating were all false. 

He chuckled. "I'm fine. Just been sick is all so I haven't been eating properly. Have you been training hard since I've been gone? Or have you been slacking off?" Sebastian quickly changed the topic and glowered at her as she tried to lie her way out of it. "Uh huh, sure," Sebastian says with a knowing nod. "The Queen has told me everything so you're in for it." He walked past her after patting her on her head and then approaching his normal group. "Huddle up slackers! What is this I hear about disobedience?!"

Sebastian pushed them to their limit but he pushed himself even harder while trying to make it seem like it didn't even faze him one bit. "One more set! Let's go! Let's go! One! Two! Three!" And he kept at it until his body started to become weak and numb. When they were finally finished, his trainees dropped to the group heaving. He pushed himself off the ground and stood up, brushing his hands and then coughed to bring some air back into his lungs. "Good job crew. You all did good," He breathed out though it was the hardest thing to do at the moment. 

"You alright Sebastian?" One of them heaves out worriedly. 

Olivia quickly rolled to stand and grabbed her water bottle to hand it over to Sebastian, opening it for him worriedly. "Sebastian, are you okay?" Sebastian thanked her and took a slow drink. He gave her the bottle back and nodded, thanking her for the water. "I guess I've been out of shape," he says with a chuckle. He looks to the worried group with nod. "I'm proud of you guys. Thank you for working hard. You're all dismissed." 

As the group dispersed, Olivia stayed around to pry him again for answers. "So are you going to answer my questions? Where have you been, babe?" She asks, stopping him from walking away from her. "I want to know. I was really worried about you, you know?"

"Just been sick, Olivia and thanks for worrying about me," he gives her a smile and pats her on the shoulder and walks past her. He grabs his gear and heads over to his car and puts everything in, greeting people and biding them goodbye. He got into his car and headed straight home. Upon arrival, he saw Jonathon's car parked in the driveway making him immediately annoyed. Sebastian turned off his car and slammed the driver's side door shut. He glared at the pup's car with menace and then towards the house where the pup was roaming about. He mentally got himself prepared and headed in. He went into the kitchen where, sadly and irritably, they were all at and eating dinner. "Sebastian! Come! Come!" Leena calls as she gets up from her chair and brings him over to the table and into his seat. "Move Jonathon," Leena demanded as Jonathon rolled his eyes and grabbed his plate and cup and moved to the opposite side of the table. 

Leena practically pushed Sebastian down onto the chair and gives him a plate, putting food in it and filling his cup with water. "Eat. You look like death," she commented as she makes her way over to her own chair and food. The room became intensely awkward and quiet. Jonathon looked between everyone and tried to strike up the conversation they left off with but Valerie was so caught up on how her brother had look that she didn't hear any one else. She kept looking at him and the longer she looked, the sadder she got. "You've gotten really skinny," Valerie commented, interrupting Jonathon.

Jonathon looked over to her and then looked to Sebastian who paid no mind to her. He looked back to Valerie who eagerly waited for him to say something. Anything. Sky, on the other hand, just kept his head down and focused on finishing his food, dreading the fact that Jonathon was also eating dinner with them. Sky's eyes slightly widen at the sudden negative thought he had for his best friend. 

For Her Love - Sequel to An Alpha To Claim and LoveWhere stories live. Discover now