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The boys ended up coming back late into the night. They all shifted back and were already chuckling about the fear that fell upon the guests' faces. "Did you hear him scream?" Sky asks with a cackle. "Priceless!"

"Sebastian can be quite scary man," Bailey chimed in. "Remember that little boy that kept following Valerie around when we were younger? The one who kept pulling her hair to get her attention?"

"Sebastian was so angry!" Sky commented. "He grabbed you and me and trapped him in the corner upstairs!" Both boys laughed thinking about it. "He peed himself so bad the hallway stunk for over two weeks."

Sebastian stopped at the driveway, refusing to go inside. "I'll see you guys later."

Everyone stops and turns to stare at him though Dante all but sighed and walked on in knowing Sky would do the convincing. "What?" Sky's smile falters. "Come on bro. It's late already. You might as well sleep over. Your place is on the other side of town anyways." Sky goes over and pulls Sebastian in. "Come on!" Sky moves behind him to push him in as Bailey tugs Sebastian in when he tries to protest.

That night after having late dinner with the boys, Sebastian sat slumped on the couch. He puts his head back and closes his eyes tired and he would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for Sky to wake him up to sleep in his old room. "I'll get you a towel and some change of clothes." Sky walks up the stairs while Sebastian hesitates to move. Giving in, he pulls himself up off the couch and follow Sky up the stairs. Passing by her room, he automatically looks to her door but doesn't stop. He goes up to his old room and walks in to have Sky put the towel and clothes on the bed. "Goodnight bro. See you tomorrow morning." Sky smiles and walks out, shutting the door after himself. Sebastian goes and takes the clothes and towel and heads to the bathroom and takes his shower and then comes back out and gets himself ready for bed.

He goes over to the door and turns off the light before dragging himself into bed. He settles himself in and deeply breathed in her scent that lingered in the air and in his bed. Sebastian turns his head to the other side of his bed remembering that night he snuck back in to find Valerie missing in her room only to find her in his bed.

He turns himself over onto his stomach and hugs his pillow that she had once placed her head on. He groans a quiet sigh and hugs it tighter. He eventually went to sleep with her scent enveloping him warmly and fell into a deep dream. The feel of her soft skin and silky hair. The sound of her erotic labored breathing. The warmth of her body that drove him to insanity. He could even taste how sweet she was. Her soft lips and slick tongue. Her warm hands leaving a trail of goosebumps upon his own skin when they trailed and scraped down the sides of his body, pulling him impossibly flush against her body where he willingly pressed himself down upon.

Her scent strong and welcoming. He relished in it. Bathed in it. Soaked himself in what was his.

And when the urge to just...take her overwhelmed him, he snapped his eyes open from his dream-state to find him back to reality and in her embrace with his face deep into the crook of her neck and his canines at the ready to pierce through her delicate skin. His eyes flutter.

He was upset. He was confused. He was sad. He was angry. Furious. But mostly....


Tears fell as he pulls himself together. Sebastian pressed his forehead against her shoulder and held himself back from crying uncontrollably. He hugged her and stayed in her embrace.

He couldn't have her. He knew.

He eventually gathered himself up and covered Valerie up before leaving her bedroom. He leaned against the door as his head was hung low and it was then that he let the tears fall. His chest hurt. He...was hurt. To love someone so deeply only to be unable to love them wholeheartedly. To love them only to never have them. He drags himself down the stairs and out the door of the house and starts walking home.

For Her Love - Sequel to An Alpha To Claim and LoveWhere stories live. Discover now