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Valerie got out of her car and went up to the front door like she has been for the past three and a half weeks and every time she did Jonathon wasn't home or he was busy. Every time she called, he didn't answer or didn't have time to talk. If she was being honest with herself, she didn't know how to feel about it but when she overheard her mom talking to her father about how Jonathon found his mate how many days ago, she was upset. Why didn't he tell her the truth? Did he selfishly think he was going to have both of us? So here she was at this house to get to bottom of it.

She lifted her hand up to knock just for the door to open to reveal Jonathon hand in hand with a girl. Valerie couldn't tear her eyes away from it but when she did, she looked directly to a shock Jonathon. He quickly snatched his hand out of the girl's hand. "Babe," he presses on a smile. "What are you doing here?" Valerie could see the cringe that flashed through his eyes before trying to cover it up. He moves to block the girl and the entrance to his home. 

"Clearly to break up with you," she simply says, surprised that she wasn't as angry as she thought she would be and hadn't started yelling at his cheating ways, even if the person he is cheating with was his own mate. Valerie tries to look around him but he instead moves out of the house and closes the door after himself. "Wait. What? Let's talk about this Val."

"There is nothing for us to talk about." She snaps back quickly with the same nonchalant expression. "You have been ignoring me for almost four weeks now and when I finally see you, I see you hand in hand and all smiles with a girl who isn't me. What did you really expect?"

The door opens and the girl practically flies up to Jonathon and clings onto his arm with a glare at Valerie who all but glares right back. "Stand down," Valerie warns with her authoritive voice making the girl go stiff and stand behind Jonathon with her head hung and her eyes glued to the ground. I'd be shocked too knowing she was about to step out of line with someone who had alpha blood in them. Even Jonathon was taken back. Valerie looked to him. "What did you expect for ignoring me for this long?" She asks again. Jonathon didn't know how to respond. All he could think about was the moment he found his mate inside his home that night he came back from Valerie's home, one of his mother's friend from out of town had came to visit with her family. He would never have thought he would find his mate this soon. Not only that, he hadn't even thought about Valerie since then.

"I'm not angry. Surprisingly. I have a feeling we both knew it just wasn't right or anything serious. So let us just stay friends. Okay?" She stretches her hand out for him to shake but the look on his face wasn't what she was expecting. She was expecting him to look relieved yet his expression showed of worry? Maybe even slightly angry? She wasn't completely sure. "Or do you not want to?" She slowly asks taking her hand back. Jonathon turns to his mate and tells her to go back into the house. When she didn't he ended up dragging her back in and shutting the door and then grabbing Valerie by the arm and taking her a bit further away from the house. Valerie didn't understand and couldn't comprehend what was going on. She pulled back her arm in a fit of confusion making him stop walking. He turns to look back at her. "What are you doing?"

"I don't want to lose you," he put it. Valerie glared at him. "I still want to be with you."

"You're kidding, right?" When he didn't answer, she shook her head in disbelief. Now, she was downright angry. Angry that he was "cheating" on her, and her as in his mate. Angry that he wanted both of them. Angry that he would give up his mate, and heaven forbid if he does, without a single feeling of remorse or guilt. Ultimately, what he was doing or planning on doing got her blood boiling. How can you possibly let go your other half; partner for life? Just the thought of it was heartbreaking and sad and it was greatly upsetting. "I can't believe I'm hearing this from you," she scoffed while tears start to form at the thought of rejection alone. "I would give you up in a heartbeat for my mate. How can you be so selfish?! Everyone knows that you don't get a second chance mate so how could you even think about doing anything like this?!"

For Her Love - Sequel to An Alpha To Claim and LoveWhere stories live. Discover now