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Sebastian hated seeing them together. The thought of seeing his mate in the arms of someone else made him want to beat the shit of them but he knew he couldn't; shouldn't. This was the path he chose so he had to deal with it even when all he wanted to do was kill everyone that got on his nerve so during training lessons he would harshly push his group and when word got to Dante about Sebastian's attitude, Dante had no choice but to talk to him to calm him down. Dante walked to the field and pulled his son aside as Sebastian ordered them to keep going. "Son, I know you're angry but you cannot take it out on our people," Dante points out. "They'll end up hating you."

He all but glares up to his father. "I'm making them stronger. So if you don't want them to be that way then be my guest to take over. I will not allow them to slack off just because the world now knows of our existence. There's still the threat of hunters who still want to skin us for our fur so before you go ahead and side with, your, people...remember that there's still others out there ready to murderous us with no guilty conscience." He brushes past his father and grabs his things off the ground and storms away. Dante watches as his son walks away defeated on how to fix things but knew he couldn't do anything about it. He walks back to the group and talks to them all to make them see things from Sebastian's point of view and when he had convinced them and brought their will back up to train harder, he watched over them and couldn't believe that Sebastian had trained them so well and possibly even better than he could ever do.

Jonathon and Valerie had just gotten out of the car just as Sebastian storms up to his own car. Valerie watches how he angrily throws his things into the car and slams the door shut making her jump. Just as he starts up his car, he takes off screeching as he goes. "What's wrong with your brother?" Jonathon asks as he switches shoes. Valerie just simply shrugs as Myla chimes in how the people in his group were complaining about the training they were getting from Sebastian and how he hasn't been treating them that well. "Geez," Jonathon grimaces. "I would hate it too if I was in his group."

"Sebastian could probably kill you," Bailey then chimes in shoving Jonathon playfully and chuckling when he lost balance and nearly falls to the ground. "You are dating his sister doofus."

Valerie crosses her arms and turn away from where her brother had left to stare at the two. "So? I could beat him any day," Jonathon boosts as Valerie sighs.

"No you can't," Sky scoffs. "If I can't, neither can you."

"That is true," Myla says as she goes to hook her arm with Valerie and pulls her away from the group. "Lets go before we get in trouble."

That night as Sebastian was sitting in the living room watching a movie, Sky enters the room and flops himself on the couch tiredly. "How do you do it, bro," he whines breathing heavily. "You don't get any sleep and barely eat and yet you are always so full of energy when training your group and then still come home like your energy never even depleted." Sky looks to Sebastian who smirks and pays his attention back to the movie. Sky loudly groans as Sebastian pauses his movie and stares at his brother annoyed. "Bro," Sky whines again making him roll his eyes this time.

Sebastian downs the rest of his drink and puts the cup down. "Have you been drinking all day?" Sky asks as he achingly pushes him up to sit upright. Sebastian didn't say anything but nodded and filled his cup once more. " don't drink. Right?" Sebastian smirked and lifted the cup to his lips and was going to take a drink again when the door to the house opened to have Valerie enter the room just as exhausted as Sky. Sebastian downed it all at once and then stops drinking all together. Valerie flops herself down next to Sky and leans against him groaning. "My legs," she whines painfully. "I can barely feel them anymore."

"Jonathon brought you home I assume?" Sky asks moving away from her when she starts wiping her sweat playfully on him. She chuckles and then moves to where he once sat and nodded. "You two are really something huh?" Sky grimaces making Valerie put up a fist to him while Sky did the same thing back. "What? What?!" He taunted playfully and then moves his fist up and down. "Rock, paper, scissors!" He says making her break out into a laugh and throwing the pillow at him.

For Her Love - Sequel to An Alpha To Claim and LoveWhere stories live. Discover now