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Leena leaned against the wall next to the window with her arms crossed. She didn't know how to console him. She knew there was nothing she could do because she too had gone through the suffering as Sebastian and it broke her heart at how sad and hurt he sounded over the phone. The door to her bedroom door opened and soft footsteps made their way towards her. Valerie wrapped her arms around Leena and pressed her forehead against her mother's back while trying her best to hold back the tears. "Did you know?" She quietly asked Leena though Valerie figured she did know. 

"I did," Leena sighs out. "Why?" Leena slightly looks over her shoulder to Valerie.

Valerie picked up her head and pressed the side of her face onto her mother's back this time and hugged her a little tighter as tears fell. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Are you angry?"

Valerie nodded.

"Are you sad?"

It took a few seconds but she ended up nodding.

"Good," Leena says with a huff, turning her attention back out the window. "You deserve it."

Valerie backed away from her mother, staring at her in disbelief. "Why? Why do, I, deserve it?"

Leena scoffed, staring at her daughter dumbfounded. "Are you sure about that?" Leena snapped startling Valerie. "Have you even thought about how Sebastian is feeling right now? Do you even know how hard it is to contain the shift of ones wolf who wants to do nothing but bite into that precious neck of yours!? Do you know how painful it must have been to bare the possible rejection of ones mate?! Do you?!" 

Valerie clenched her hands. She had all kinds of emotions running through her body at that moment. She was confused. She was hurt. She was sad and angry. She was disappointed but yet happy at the same time that someon3 like Sebastian was her mate but he was her brother too. Tears streamed down her face as she stared at her furious mother who became red in the face while her own tears streamed down her face. "You have, no idea, how painful it is to hold back your wolf," Leena snarled with a hand over her chest. "To not be able to claim what is rightfully yours, to lie to the ones you love, to wait so long with the dreadful feeling of rejection......But you're right...you didn't do anything wrong. You didn't know. But when you did...what did you do? Hm? What did you say that Sebastian had ended up the way he was a week ago!?"

"I didn't mean to!" Valerie argues, angrily wiping away her hears. "I didn't mean for it to come out that way! It was a misunderstanding. I...I just needed to think things over and-"

"You flat out rejected him Valerie!"

"I did no such thing! I was shocked-"

"Stop coming up with these damn excuses!" Leena roared making Valerie back out of fear. Never have she ever seen her mother so angry. She was always the bubbly-go-happy person. She may have been stern but she always seen her mother smiling or laughing. Never once have she seen this side of her mother and she was afraid of it. It was unfamiliar to her. She looked nothing like the mother she always had known her to be. Or was it that she was oblivious all this time - she didn't know. Valerie was so afraid of her that her legs gave out on her. Valerie sat on the ground shook with her eyes cast to the ground while tears continue to drip off her face.

Dante watched it all play out. As much as he wanted to help his little princess, he knew it was out of his hands. "I am so disappointed with you. Did you really throw away the thought of a mate after dating Jonathon?"

Valerie snapped her head up to her mother. "I would never!"

"Then what the hell happened, Valerie?!" Leena asked, aspirated. "What happened that made you do that?"

For Her Love - Sequel to An Alpha To Claim and LoveWhere stories live. Discover now