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He was exhausted - more exhausted than any other times he had experienced that god awful pain and he hated every moment of it. He loathed every second he wasn't able to see her, more or less hear her. It was painful every time he saw them together and wanted to do nothing but kill the bastards that were able to bathe in her company and wanted to murder the bitch that touched what is suppose to be his. He tiredly called up his godfather that he was going to be skipping training for awhile which got him fired up. "Just because you might become next in line to be Beta does not mean you can do whatever you want," he scolded. Sebastian sighed and tiredly closed his eyes and just laid in silence while he listened to his godfather bitch him out. After angrily going off on him, he finally settled down. "What is the reason for this change of attitude, son?" He asks.

Sebastian hesitated to let him know. He didn't want any one else to know about it - thinking it'll just complicate things or make things worse when Valerie finally finds out. She'll probably become livid from the secret that everyone knew but her, and he wasn't going to let that happen. It was bad enough as is. If anything, he would rather have her lash out at him then have her lose the trust she had in the rest of her family. And if worse becomes worse, he would rather deal with the rejection alone. "I don't know how long it'll be but I really need this time to just...gather myself..."

It was quiet for the longest time, though Sebastian could hear his godfather's mate quietly tell him off and to leave it be. David growled out a sigh. "Fine...but you're not off the hook," he warned. "I'll be calling your father." With that, he hung up. Sebastian let the phone fall beside his head and laid there, still, on the ground and looking up to the dull ceiling thinking about where to even start on getting himself back to his usual self. Eventually he fell asleep and was lightly shaken awake to his mother kneeling beside him. "Sebastian, wake up honey," she whispers. "Have you been sleeping all day?"

He nodded and turned towards his mother with a groan and hugged her as she stayed in the same position. He buried his face into the side of her leg and just hugged her, to grab whatever comfort he possibly could from her. She lightly ran her hand through his hair. "It must hurt a lot, huh?" She asks as he nods in reply. "I remember that feeling all too well. Seeing you, it felt like it was just yesterday that I laid in this very room, writhing in pain. If I remember correctly, it was when your father was still overseas dealing with business with other packs. The pain was ungodly unbearable. To refuse to shift, to refuse your refuse to forgive my own beast..."

Sebastian hugged her tighter when the pain came once again, making it hard for him to breathe. He gasped and growled in pain as he rolled back onto his back and clutched his chest. He snarled as his beast pushed through for him to take form and Leena could do nothing but sit there and watch sadly as her son fights with himself. When the pain finally subsided, he was heavily sweating and heavily breathing. He covered his eyes with his arm and tried to hold himself together, telling himself to toughen the fuck up. Leena gently touched his arm to comfort him. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

After some silence, he nodded his head. She bent over and kissed his arm before getting up and leaving him to his own thoughts. That night when all had fallen asleep, a soft knock was heard at his door. Sebastian stopped what he was doing and slightly turned towards the door. "Seba?" came her small voice. "Are you asleep?"

He didn't dare to answer. He knew it was for the better of both of them that he didn't though all he wanted to do was grab her the instant he heard her call for him. Sebastian looked to the doorknob that slowly turned and then stopped because of it being locked. "Seba?" Her voice came out quivery as a small sniffle was heard. He turned back around to look outside as she continued to speak to him, telling him to talk to her so they could go back to how they used to be. He walked over to his balcony door and walked outside, closing the door behind him quietly - not wanting to listen to her any further.

He went over to the railing and sat on top of it while he leaned back against the house. Sebastian drowned himself in the cricket's song and the soft whistle of the breeze and the rustling of the trees and he stayed out there until the sun was slowly rising. The same question kept repeating itself over in his head of when it will all be over and the same answer always follows, "I don't know." When the sun hit his face, he dragged himself inside and closed all the blinds and went to sleep for the rest of the day. Once night time came around again, when all the bustling of the people in the house settled down to the point there were little to no noise at all, he pulled himself out of the room and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Upon entering, his mother was just finishing up with making him some food. Leena turned around and when she saw him, she gave him a warm smile. "Hey tiger. Why don't you sit down and I'll bring it all over to you okay?" Sebastian numbly nodded and slid into the chair and watched how his mother moved back and forth and then approached him. She sat down on the chair beside him and crossed her arms on top of the table. "Eat well, my son," she says with a nod to his food. Sebastian quietly thanked her and in silence, finished most of his food. "Finished?" She asked as he nodded. Leena stood up from her chair and kissed his temple. "Goodnight, my son," she says. Leena picks up his plate and goes over to the sink and starts washing the dishes as Sebastian approaches her from the back and hugs her, burrowing his face into her shoulder.

"My good son," she smiles. "It will all blow over soon. Hang in there."

He simply nods and stays that way for awhile more before removing himself and wishing her a goodnight. Sebastian drags himself up the stairs and almost made it to his room when Sky had stopped him on the way. When Sky finally sees his brother for the first time in a while, he was shocked to see how weak and tired he looked. "Bro..." Sky quietly calls out in guilt. "I'm so sorry man."

Sebastian smirks. "This has nothing to do with you, little bro. Don't sweat it," he convinces, patting Sky's shoulder. "Go to sleep." Just as he passes him, Sky stops him once more grabbing him by the arm.

"Then...what is it that made you like this big bro? It's weird seeing you like this."

Sebastian slightly looks to the right, seeing that they were standing by her bedroom door Sebastian knew she was listening from behind it. He looks over to Sky and gives him a hard look. He looks to the arm that Sky still held onto making him slowly let go. As Sebastian looks at him, Sky reluctantly backs down. "Goodnight," he bids them both and goes back up to his room. After he leaves, Sky goes to her door and quietly knocks on it. Valerie opens her door ajar and looks up to a defeated brother. "Big bro will come back around eventually. He always does." Valerie reluctantly nodded and closed the door as Sky took in a deep breath and looked up at the way he went. "I hope..." he whispers. Dragging his feet, he goes to his room while Valerie stays glued by her door.

She placed a hand over her chest and grunts as the pain comes and goes. Valerie makes it back to her bed and rolls onto it. She pulls her legs close to her chest as she presses down harder on her chest hating the fact that she doesn't know why she's feeling this pain the first place and every time the pain comes, the person that always comes to mind was Sebastian. It was, always, him whether it was protecting her, making her happy, to taking away stupid pains like was always him that came to her rescue. She pressed her forehead against the mattress and silently called out to him through her tears in hopes he comes to take the pain away. Some way. Some how.

For Her Love - Sequel to An Alpha To Claim and LoveWhere stories live. Discover now