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A few days have passed, and they had no progress in what had happened to Valerie's room nor with Valerie and Sebastian's new relationship. Dante and the rest of the guardians were near their wits end. After cleaning up Valerie's original room to the point you couldn't tell it had been marked in any way, the room was marked yet again just a few days after. The window they had replaced had been broken; someone had intentionally climbed up to her bedroom, broke the window and marked her room once more. Dante, the guardians and Sebastian stood outside her bedroom with menace. It was definitely someone in the pack as when word had spread about Valerie's room and how they managed to rid the mark in her room, it was after a few days that it was re-marked. "If I get hands on that bastard..." Dante seethed in a low voice as he clenched his hands.

He turned to the guardians. "Clean the room once more and spread the word. Tonight...we catch the bastard." Dante storms away as they all make a path for him to leave. Xander went up to Sebastian and patted his shoulder. "You shouldn't be here for this. Go and stay with Valerie."

"I agree," Derek chimes in. Sebastian looks to him. "Who knows what can happen next. I suggest to stay close to her as much as possible."

"Don't worry too much," Alex pipes up as he pulls out his phone to call the women over to assist with the cleaning. "We got this." He looks to Sebastian after putting the phone to his ear and gave him a reassuring smile. "You, got this."

Ravior, who had been quiet all this time, finally spoke up. "Use this time to console your relationship with her. Both of you must feel like crap after what had happened. You are your father's son after all and seeing that you went and did exactly what your father had did with your mother, it might take some time for Valerie to come around. But trust me when I say this, Valerie WILL come back around sooner than you think. Don't lose hope on that." Ravior then approaches Sebastian as Xander moved away from Sebastian. Ravior slaps a hand on Sebastian's shoulder and gives it a light squeeze. "Now is the time where she needs you more than ever. Go." Ravior nods over his shoulder as Sebastian had no choice but to oblige. Had he stayed and helped them clean the room, he might just lose whatever sanity he had left.

Cooped up in her room, she looked at herself in the mirror in the bathroom and then glanced down to the still fresh mark made by Sebastian. She still couldn't believe he would have done anything of the sort but she should have saw it coming seeing that he was already on edge. Why she thought such a bluff would work in that situation, she wasn't sure. All she knew was that she didn't want to leave. She was angry that she, had, to leave.

Valerie stared at the mark for the longest time, asking herself whether or not she was actually angry with him for doing it. Was she angry at him? Did she really hate him? She didn't know how to feel at that moment. She knew for a fact that a little bit of her didn't mind but at the same time she had wished he hadn't done it. A marking should have been in an intimate setting, not after during a heated argument.

There was a lot of things she wished she didn't say. She was stupid to have said anything. Had she just listened, nothing like this would have happened the way it did. Had she not said what she said back then when Sebastian first confessed, they wouldn't have to be in the situation either. "You're so stupid," she scolds herself in her hoarse voice. "You don't even deserve him." Tears fall as she glares at herself in the eyes through the reflection in the mirror. "He's too good to be with someone like you." 

Valerie was disgusted with herself like an anorexic seeing the bigger version of themselves in the mirror. As their way of relieving the thought was to eat less or barely eat at all, Valerie could do nothing but talk down to herself. Telling herself she was worthless, pathetic and undeserving to the point that it was starting to be harshly believable.

For Her Love - Sequel to An Alpha To Claim and LoveWhere stories live. Discover now