Food For Thought

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There were so many kinds of love out there that Valerie have never and probably will never experience. The love between her mother and father was a rough journey. They things they had gone through with each other, such hardship. The love between her mother and her mother's parents, was so tragic. The stories she hears about rejected mates, were so sad. Love was a scary thing, but yet brought so much curiosity with it making one want to reach out and touch it, feel it, experience it. Though the love story of her parents made wanting to wait for her mate was valuable and precious, to be able to feel another's love that was so close to that of feeling the love from one's forever lasting love was intriguing. 

Like a child drawn to new things, Valerie couldn't hold back.

Then there are the most invaluable kind of love that no one wants, the all giving love. To let go of one's love so the other person can be happy can be a depressing road. Some handle it with care, some handle it like it doesn't even hurt. To smile so happily when with friends and family to convince them that you have moved on to better things only to let it all flow out when you're alone. To be embraced by the darkness that comes with it as it swallows you up slowly knowing you can never, ever, have that chance back and no matter how hard you try to love someone else, you will always remember them and the feelings of that loss will always be there.

Like a moth to a flame, Sebastian keeps looking for that light only to get hurt.

Not talking about this story, love hurts but yet brings so much happiness. Love comes with promises yet promises are meant to be broken. Love shows no end yet it silently kills. It can be replaced. It can be forgotten. Love hurts. Love regrets. Love lets go. Love moves on. Love stays forever. In marriage love becomes the most valuable and treasured thing in the world and it hurts like hell when that happiness slowly diminishes to basically nothing. But yet you hold on to whatever you have left to hold on to. Whether it be children, pride, or not wanting to face the harsh world after divorce. But when it comes too much to bare, when it comes time to finally let go of that's devastating. 

Life becomes dull and crumbles before you. The. Last. Straw.

And that love hurts even more every time you look at them; the one you used to love, the one you gave your whole life up for, the one you chose to live the rest of your life for. Love hurts when they realize it was too late even when you dropped the biggest hint to them...

"I'm not happy. I'm content. And I will leave when I have had enough."

Love hurts. And it sucks that it does.

But eventually, love prevails. Love shows you, there's another one; the one who will make the change, the one who will show you that not all love goes the way you think it does, and the one who will do everything to change your mind about love. They'll bring that happiness back. Give you the attention you had craved for. Shower you with affection that you hadn't felt in what had seemed like the longest time. To hold you. To look you in the eyes with so much love and promise. To tell you you are worth it. To tell you "I love you" and really, really, mean it.

"I'm not him," they will probably say. "And I won't, ever, be him and I'm going to prove it to you. And I'm going to marry you, whether you like it or not, and love the fuck out of you. I'm going to change your mind, and in the end you will marry me. So will you marry me?"

You would answer, "No."

They'd smirk and confidently say, "I'll ask again later."

For Her Love - Sequel to An Alpha To Claim and LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora