Twenty Two

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After a few days, they finally had the meeting. Alec had summoned Cathy, the white witch from the human realm, to decipher the old language left by the forefathers. Cathy skimmed through one page and then the next. She circled her hand in the air, while still reading, and pushed her hand through the hole she made and pulled out a scroll. Throwing it in the air, Cathy closes the book she was reading and swiped her hand in the air and magically the scroll opened to reveal ancient language that no one seemed to understand. "There," she points. "The lock used on our realm left by the white witches. Interesting."

"What is it?" Dante questioned.

Cathy sighs and swipes her hand again and the scroll closes and lands in her hand. "The texts says that the lock would not last more than a thousand years but clearly, it has been holding on as if someone has been constantly renewing its contract, which is clearly impossible because even I do not know how and all the other white witches that had helped your forefathers no longer exist." Cathy hands the book and scroll over to Alec. "The text clearly states that the portal between realms are to be sealed until its expired date but the expired date has long passed since forever."

"Could it be that there are still more white witches out there fixing the seal?" Valerie questions.

Cathy hummed in thought. "Possibly. I haven't the slightest clue to be honest. I do not feel any presence of others either since my arrival. Although on another note, I do remember my grandmothers telling me about this realm once in a blue moon, speaking of it in longing but never once had I seen any of them break the seal, more or less, even see the seal. This is the first time I'm seeing it and I am quite impressed with what they've made."

"So, it is clear that the seal is broken?" Alec then questions next.

"Just barely hanging on by a thread, your majesty. Should I try to fix will take some time. But as I recall, wolves are to return to wince they" She looked around the room as everyone didn't want to speak about it. Sebastian lightly squeezed Valerie's hand as she looked over to him. He picks up their intertwined hands and kissed her knuckles. Juniper tore his eyes away from them, trying to keep his composure.

"I need more time to think about this," Dante says rubbing his brows in irritation.

"If it will save our people, I think it's wise we do this," David chimed in. "Those that are already close to death cannot be helped but those that we can still save, we must. There are still a lot more of them that we can save. We must make haste, Florence."

"I agree, dad," Valerie says turning her attention to her father who stared back with that sullen look in his eyes. "If...." She looks to her mother then back to him. "If for a little while longer...I would wish to bring our people back."

Dante stands and gently pulls Leena up. "And what if they refuse? They have no one to lead them, to guide them. There are too many of us back home. As big of an empire this realm is, there are still just too many things we need to take care of to make sure this will be the right decision."

"But dad-"

"No. We will discuss this later. Leena, let us go." Leena looks at him confused as he gently pulls her along and out of the room. 

Alec deeply sighs out a growl. "Why does he hesitate?" He asks no one in particular.

"For one, this isn't home," Valerie answers when no one didn't. "Please understand that, your majesty. Like my father had said, there are just too many of us back home. It will take some time to convince them and if they do refuse, I'm sure he would still want to keep them safe somehow. I think it's best we come back to discuss things once he's gathered his thoughts. Hopefully, mother can talk some kind of sense to him." She then stood and pulled Sebastian along with her and one by one they left the room. Once they were alone Sebastian tugs her to a stop. Valerie refused to look at him. "I said that but I, too, do not understand dad's hesitation." She turns around to look at Sebastian. "If it'll keep mom around longer, why not?" Tears brimmed her eyes as she squeezed his hand. "Why...."

For Her Love - Sequel to An Alpha To Claim and LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz