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Close to three years has passed. Sebastian ended up leaving the country to live with his father's cousin, Omar. While there, he solely focused on his training to better his mind and body but the main purpose of his stay was to shadow their Beta for his upcoming new role and to stay away from Valerie. There wasn't a single time he had not thought about Valerie and her wellness. Every time he would call home, as much as he wanted to ask about her, he had always decided against it. Knowing too much about her would make him miss her more. Knowing that other pups were after her would get him even more infuriated. He convinced himself that not knowing was better off than knowing and wanting to run back to her.

Although the girls there had showed their affections towards him, he'd always turn them down and told them that he had already someone who was waiting for him back home though it was a deep wish and thought that she really was waiting for him. The chest pains he had experienced numerous times had continued without a doubt, and was worse than it was back home. 

Back home, for the first few months Valerie had locked herself away to the point her health was deteriorating had it not been for Myla to pull her out of her dark place. Every day they would go and train and eventually was grouped together in scouting class for their agility and stamina while Sky was grouped in first assault class - the outer defense to keep enemies at bay and off home territory. Leena and Dante were both proud of their kids for their growth. They couldn't have been prouder of them.

As for Jonathon, when that incident had happened Dante made a visit to their family to make things clear and set a boundary for Jonathon to follow. Dante made his disappointment clear to Jonathon and vowed that he would cut off the family from his protection if Jonathon continues to pursue someone else when he already had his mate. That day forward, Jonathon and his family kept to themselves but eventually moved out from Dante's protection for they were too ashamed and embarrassed to face the pack. With Dante's permission, he let them go and even referred them to the neighboring pack.

Many still tried to pursue Valerie, but she turned them all down - making it known to everyone that the love she will only accept is the love for her mate and her mate only. One experience was enough for Valerie, though, already knowing that she was mated to Sebastian was also another reason she didn't let anyone pursue her.

"What?" Valerie looks to her father shocked. "I can't just leave. What about-"

"Enough," Dante interrupts harshly her making her stiffen up. He stares hard at his daughter. "You're no longer a child, Valerie. Everyone has to do them whether they want to or not. This mission is to test you on what you know. I understand that you're worried about your mother but also understand, you still have your brother here. He is more than capable of protecting her as you would so I suggest you do what you're told and gather your things and head out to meet your team leader."

Valerie clenched her jaw, glaring at the ground. She knew she couldn't refuse orders. She knew she had a job to do just like everybody else but what she didn't want to leave knowing something might happen again. Dante sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Valerie," he starts making her look to him. "I understand how you're feeling. I do. And just like you, I wouldn't want to leave her either but you should trust in your brother and the pack that they'll protect her. Trust in, me, that I'll protect her." Valerie's shoulders go slack. She stays silent for the longest time. Without another word, she turns and exits his office and slams the door behind her. Dante lets out a huff and runs a hand down his face. He stands up and goes over to the window. Dante looks the group over and once he saw that his daughter had joined the group, they all set out on their mission.

A few days later, Sebastian has finally returned home. Sebastian took out the keys to his new place and entered with his uncle and aunt. "Wow....such a big place for 'one' person," his aunt sarcastically says with a felt smirk as Sebastian chuckles. Omar looks around the place with an approving nod. "Not bad kid....not bad at all."

For Her Love - Sequel to An Alpha To Claim and LoveWhere stories live. Discover now