He then went to the girl's part of the shop, and I followed him, because we'll get lost from each other and Ace rarely answer his phone.

"Choose what you want and I'll get it for you" he said. I gave him the 'are you serious' look.

"What? No! I really didn't mean it like that. You really don't have to get me anything. Really"
I said. I just didn't want him to think that I said what I said so he pays for me, not that I mind but I don't want him to feel used because I didn't want him to feel like that. I can't deny that I was happy because he care about me.

"Well, then I'll go get you something." I tried my best  to persuade him not to bring me because the suggestion was enough, for me, but he was much more stubborn than how I was. I then sighed and agreed on him buying me something.

I looked around and saw a black mini skirt and near it a f/c woolen t-shirt. They didn't cost much so I went to try them. I then went outside the fitting room and saw ace standing outside, waiting for me. When he saw me, his jaw dropped.

"Remind me again why you don't wear skirts and white? Because they look AMAZING on you!! And you're pretty anyway so we won't discuss that" He said and I blushed. He usually gives me compliments but this time it was different. Maybe because I know that he likes me?

"Thanks and u look handsome as ever" I said, going along with this. It was his turn to blush.

I then got inside and changed into what I was wearing and Ace paid for everything. We went and bought the gifts. While he was looking for the table lights, I went and bought a photo album to put all of our photos, me, him, luffy, sabo and out friend group in it as a memory.

After we left the shop, we sat on one of the chairs outside because Ace wanted to check how much money he has left in his card. During that time, I spotted a beautiful necklace hanged on a necklace hanger in a shop nearby, so I kept on staring at it. After Ace was done, he saw what I was looking at so I looked away, because I knew that Ace will buy it.

"Let's go back to uncle's apartment now!" I said cheerfully.

We then went back and saw uncle doing the dishes and there was a lady helping him.

"Hi uncle! Hi ..." I said while looking at her. His face turned red. At that moment, I knew where the cookies came from.

"It's Maria. She's my girlfriend." He said calmly and she smiled at us.

"Wait what?!!! You didn't tell me that you have a girlfriend!" I said and she shot him a glare.

"Well, no one asked me about my relationship status." He said. Her face then softened again. I always wonder why does he always date the creepy ones??

"Anyways, nice to meet you Maria!" I said.

"Yeah nice to meet you." Ace said, looking like he's in  a hurry.

"So that's your niece you've always told me about? She's so adorable" Pffft. I'm so adorable? Okay...

Uncle nodded his head.

"She is. Just don't steal her food or lie to her." She giggled. Why does he sound like he's talking about luffy?

"I'll keep that in mind. Y/n, is that your boyfriend?" She asked. Why does everyone have to ask me this question???

"Yea-I mean no, we're just friends" Ace answered. I didn't comment, just not to embarrass him.

"Sure, so what do you like doing in your free time?" She asked.

"Um, I like basketball too, but I'm a couch potato at the same time. I like makeup but don't know how, the only thing I can put on my face is mascara and some lip gloss. ( you can change that if you want)" she then smiled and looked at Ace.

"Umm, I like basketball, watching any sport's matches, eating, partying and sleeping, I mean, I do it often" he said. I chuckled, remembering how many times he slept in weird places and how he woke up.

"Nice. Do you have any siblings?" She asked both of us. I didn't know what to tell her.

"Well, it's complicated. By the way, have you seen where sabo and luffy. The house is so quiet that it's impossible that they're here. Sabo maybe but not luffy." Ace said. She looked confused, but I'm confused myself. I'm a part of their family but not one either, like ace and luffy are like brothers and I'm luffy's actual sister, it's so weird to explain.

"Actually, they went to walk around the town. They'll be back soon I guess" he really doesn't know the brothers.

"Thanks, now will you excuse us?" Ace said and he grabbed my hand so we both left.

" what is it?" I asked. He looked at me as if he wanted to say something, but then shook his head.

"It's nothing. I just want to wrap the gifts, so can we talk while doing that?" He asked. I wanted to wrap them too so why not. Maybe he thought that it's a good time, especially that sabo and luffy aren't home.

I went and bought the wrappings and while getting them, I hid ace's gift behind the couch. I then went back and wrapped the gifts fast. Ace then went to take a shower so I took my laptop and printed the pictures. Then, I've put them in the album and added some decorations to it, but left the first 2 pages empty so he can put the pictures of his parents. I then wrapped it. And hid it in the same place.


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