Raph picks Nova up and holds her on his hip as they watch Mikey play with the smoke bombs.

Mikey smiles at Donnie and stops for second before doing it again causing Donnie to facepalm he could feel a headache coming on.

"I love you man," Mikey says kissing Donnie's cheek causing him to glare at him. "Seriously!"

April comes running in terrified out of her mind.

Nova didn't like April much so she let Raph put her down and went to Donnie's lab to continue practicing her reading.

Meanwhile Ruby was calmly eating some ramen while she worked on some clan things on her laptop.

Splinter who was leaning against her back with his own, ears twitch and Mikey comes in from a smoke bomb.

"We need you in the living room, sensei!" Mikey says before grabbing his hand and throwing another smoke bomb down.

The group turn and see Splinter come in from the smoke, surprisingly super calm.

"Michelangelo said you wanted to see me?" Splinter asks calmly.

The group minus Ruby and Nova listen patiently as April explains what happened. Raph was the only one who found it outwardly hilarious, Splinter wouldn't admit it out loud but she found it humorous too. He had no doubt in his mind that Ruby would have been like Raph and laughing directly in April's face if she heard.

Ruby walks in with Nova happily clinging onto her tail.

"Me and Nova are heading out to visit a friend of mine." Ruby told them.

"We should be back before you know it." Ruby tells them.

(I already expressed that I'm not a big fan of April so this chapter will focus on Splinter, Ruby and Nova.)

"Be careful, apparently mutant pigeons are out and about." Raph said between laughs.

Leo shakes his head, he was trying so hard to fight down a laugh. He and Raph didn't like April much but even so, he didn't want to seem insensitive.

"Giant mutant Pigeons?" Ruby said not holding down her chuckle.

Nova runs over to Leo who holds his arms out to her, giving her a hug.

"Yeah, April got chased by one and it ran into a glass." Raph said not bothering to hide his snickers.

Ruby snorts and laughs outwardly with Raph.

Splinter and Leo struggle to fight down their smiles, Ruby and Raph's laughter was contagious.

"Well we'll keep an eye out." Ruby says after calming down. Nova hugs everyone and runs to her.

Ruby puts on her cloak that hides her wolf features and the two head out the door.

The boys then continue to talk about their plan.


Later that day Splinter was meditating in his and Ruby's shared room when he heard familiar laughter from a little girl he had easily come to adore.

He smiles as he hears soft footsteps try to sneak up on him. He feigns and acts like he didn't hear her causing the little girl to giggle.

Nova then jumps on his back giggling uncontrollably.

Splinter pretends to fall over, dramatically pretending to die causing Nova to giggle, she knew he wasn't really hurt.

Ruby walks in and chuckles at the sight of Nova playfully poking him with her wooden sai. She sees Ruby walk in and careful climbs onto his back and gets into a victorious pose, "I have defeated the mightiest of dragons!" Nova cheers.

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