Chapter 23

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Season 1, Episode 25: Showdown

Part 1

Yo things about to get real since this is the last 2 episodes of this season and it's a 2 part. The question is do I do both parts on this day or save the 2nd part for next next Thursday? Hrmm.

Whelp enjoy!

Ruby rubs her stomach lost in thought, she kept getting this itching feeling that something was going to happen, but her brain refused to show her any signs minus the Kraang starting a cult.

She silently walks into the living room and sees Mikey playing the pin ball machine, Raph reading his comic book while glancing up at the tv occasionally, and lastly Nova and Leo watching Space Heroes.

Donnie comes in and turns the tv off.

"What a hero. -What are you doing? That's the final episode of Space Heroes!" Leo says in outrage while Nova gives Donnie and soft glare.

"I've got something a little more important." Donnie tells his brothers before beckoning them into his lab.

"April and I have been sifting through all this Kraang chatter, and, well, listen to what we translated." Donnie explains not noticing Mr. O'Neil watching from the doorway.

'Why he sus?' Ruby thought narrowing her eyes at Kirby.

"The final phase of the plan known as Kraang's invasion shall commence in the unit of time that is six hours. The Technodrome shall arrive from Dimension X through the portal." The Kraang recording said.

"Are you sure this is the translated version?" Mikey asks causing Ruby to shake her head. She was away from the door but her ears could pick up noise from around the house.

"They said in six hours, something called the Technodrome is coming through that portal. This is the final phase of the Kraang invasion." Donnie explains impatiently.

"Wait. But I thought April and Nova were the key to the Kraang plot, and they don't have them." Leo said as Nova walks in and jumps on Raph's back.

"If that Technodrome comes through that portal, well, it sounds like the end of the world." Donnie explained to the group.

"So what do we do?" Raph asks.

"Guys..." Leo says dramatically, "We've gotta find a way to shut that portal down. It's up to us." Leo says in a dramatic voice that Ruby and Nova recognized from Space Heroes but neither commented on it.

"To save the world?" Mikey asks surprised.

"Leonardo is right." Splinter says as him and Ruby suddenly teleport into the room causing the group to turn to them.

"When you first went up to the surface, I feared you were not ready. But I have come to realize that you are not only ready to become heroes, it was your destiny. And if the fate of the world must rest in somebody's hands, I am grateful it is yours." Splinter said staring at his children with proud eyes.

The group nod before running out.

Splinter stops Nova and Leo, "Leonardo, Nova, a moment please. With the world at stake, the only thing of importance- is that you complete your mission." Splinter says wisely.

"Yes, sensei." Leo says determined.

"No matter what you have to sacrifice or who." Splinter said looking in April's direction which only Ruby and Nova caught.

Ruby turns her head and spots Kirby still listening from the other exit and glares in his direction as he turns his back to them.


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