Chapter 32

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Okay so I have a problem guys, if you know any websites, I can watch the full episodes of TMNT 2012 without having to make a login, without potentially bugging my laptop, please do let me know.

 Hulu, what I usually used to make the TMNT 2012 series, got rid of it but and put in its place the most recent one which I find to be absolute shiet.

Also, any ideas for ways to make Splinter and Ruby closer to becoming a couple, please share.

Ruby fits on her head, her arms and legs crossed as she hums deep in thought.

Nova stares at Ruby with a small smile, before attempting to do the same.

 Splinter and Leo meanwhile were meditating together when Leo starts to lose his concentration, catching Splinter's attention.

"Leonardo?" Splinter asks hearing his sigh and sensing that Leo was in and out of his meditation, unfortunately him getting in Leo's face made the eldest turtle scream.

"Sorry, sensei. Can't seem to focus." Leo informs him sadly.

"I noticed, what is it that troubles you, my son?" Splinter asked standing to his feet.

"I keep having the same Nightmare, sensei, every night. I let the team down. They're dragged off into the darkness, and I'm powerless to help." Leo said sadly looking over at Nova who was still struggling to stand on her head so she can meditate upside down with Ruby,

Splinter having a flashback on when he was hard on the boys, the reason behind it, he places an understanding hand on Leo's shoulder.

"This is not uncommon. All leaders must face the fear of losing their team. I face this every time you and your brothers leave the lair. Your mother had this fear every time me, herself and Saki went on missions." Splinter explains to Leo.

Meanwhile his brothers were watching a new show Nova got them hooked to.

Casey runs in blah blah blah, April is in danger the boys go to save the moron.


Nova continues to try to balance on her head while Ruby, now sitting up right, watches her in amusement.

Splinter walks over to Ruby and sits next to her.

"Something bothering you Yoyo?" Ruby asks resting her head on his shoulder.

Splinter sighs, "Leo just expressed to me that he's been having nightmares. Similar to the one I had when I lost control and tried to train the boys to death." Splinter told her causing her to lift her head from his shoulder and look up at him.

"He'll be fine, Yoyo. He's smarter then you were." Ruby teases playfully looking away from her as Splinter gave her a mock offended look.

"If I remember correctly you used to rush into battle with no thought. You both do that over dramatic speech thing. You guys got nothing on Optimus Prime though." Ruby teases playfully nudging him with her elbow.

"Wow, just wow, Rubes." Splinter said with a small laugh.

"Although in all seriousness, he doesn't have to worry. He and his brothers have us, if they ever need it. Just like we had your father and mine." Ruby told Splinter kissing his cheek before realizing what she did and pauses.

Splinter looks at her with heart eyes and a blush on his face.

"Er...NOVA!" Ruby calls out trying to act like nothing happened.

Nova falls onto her back just as she manages to get upright and tilts her head back to look at Ruby.

"What should we have for dinner?" Ruby asks quickly standing to her feet, Splinter watches her speed walk out the door with a fond smile.

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