Chapter 13

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Episode 12, Season 1: I, Monster

It was a dark stormy day in New York and a scientist/man named Falco was experimenting with sewer rats.

Screen pauses.

Ok let's be honest we want to skip to the part with Ruby, Splinter, Nova and the boys so let's go to the lair.

Theme song plays. (swings dreads around over dramatically to the song) TURTLES OF THE HALF SHELL TURTLE POWER!

Screen zooms down to the depths and into the sewers in the dojo.

Splinter is seen meditating and the boys were coming up with a plan behind him.

Ruby sat in the tree as she helped Nova control her powers.

"Okay, here's the plan. Donnie, you're going to strike first." Leo told Donnie.

"No, wait. You want me to come at Splinter? I'll get pummeled." Donnie said shocked and terrified.

Raph smirks, "Well, getting pummeled is your specialty." Raph mocks. Donnie glares at him, offended.

(Why are we still here? Just to suffer.. Sorry)

"Trust me. It's all part of my plan to catch Splinter off-guard." Leo said smiling.

Mikey who was next to Leo spoke up, "Uh, Leo, don't take this the wrong way, but against Splinter, your plans always get our butts whipped." Mikey told him as Ruby umps down from the tree with Nova in her arms.

Leo annoyed turns to Donnie and Raph, "Okay, new thought. Mikey, you attack." Leo said.

Mikey turns to Donnie, "He took it the wrong way." Mikey told him.

"Enough talk. Let's do this!" Raph yells out before standing the others following suit.

Splinter's ears twitch upon hearing them trying to sneak up on him, he smirks but says nothing. Splinter hearing them start gets into a fighting stance.

True to the plan Mikey charges first only to have his butt handed to him. Raph goes next, Splinter dodges, Donnie goes next, he dodges again, Leo tries, dodge, Donnie tries to throw a kick at Splinter only for Splinter to grab his leg and throw him into Raph.

Leo takes this time to strike and manages to punch Splinter across the face.

Ruby struggles not to laugh while Nova and his brothers watch in shock and awe.

 Leo's eyes widen in shock, "Ah, Sensei, I'm sorry." Leo says terrified.

Splinter stares at him with narrowed maroon eyes and grabs Leo's arm and twists it so he's lying on his face. He stands over Leo his fist poised to punch him in the face.

Raph and Donnie stare on in worry, "Oh, man. Leo's a goner." Donnie says.

Mikey smiles big, "Oh, nodie dodie." Mikey chirps hands in the air.

Splinter gets out of the battle stance and smiles down at Leo, "Well done, Leonardo. But just when you had the advantage,, you hesitated, and that made you vulnerable." Splinter said proudly before holding out a hand for Leo to take.

"Hai, Sensei." Leo groans out. Ruby walks over to Splinter with a smirk but says nothing.

"Now, that is all for today. Unless you want a rematch." Splinter says his back to them a smirk prominent on his face.

"No thanks." Donnie speaks up.

"I'm good." Mikey smiles.

"Yeah, I think we're all set here." Raph says nodding.

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