Training Nova

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"So what are we starting with today, Momma Ruby?" Nova asks skipping next to Ruby as she held her hand. They were nearing the training sight where Nova was to be trained.

"Balance first." Ruby says wisely smiling lovingly down at the little girl.

Nova smiles up at Ruby, "Like me being clumsy?" She asks innocently as Ruby sets up their training grounds at a open field.

"Close enough." Ruby chuckles as Nova sits patiently in front of her.

"Balance can pertain to how clumsy you are but it can also mean being at harmony with yourself." Ruby explains to the little girl who looks to her with wide big brown eyes.

"It's knowing both your faults, weaknesses, strengths, and talents. It's accepting who you are. Think being strong while being afraid." Ruby explains to the little girl helping her up.

Nova looks at Ruby confused, "How can you strong and afraid. I thought being afraid meant that you are weak?" Nova asks as Ruby ties her thick black hair into a single puffy ponytail.

"Hmm, let's see if this will help. I'll teach you the way my father taught me." Ruby said.

(Start the song)

"Earth, sky, day, night." Ruby said gesturing with her hands.

"Sound and silence." Ruby covering Nova's ears.

"Dark and Light." Ruby said chuckling as she covered and uncovered Nova's eyes causing the little girl to giggle.

"One alone is not enough, you need both together." Ruby sang.

"Winter, Summer, Moon, and Sun!" Ruby sang before kicking up her staff and catching it. She does a battle pose with it, "Lesson Number One!" Ruby says.

Nova's Dark chocolate brown eyes sparkle before she quickly grabs the staff on the ground in front of her and stands at attention.

"Like a rock, ha ha, you must be hard huh huh." Ruby sang demonstrating some moves as she did.

"Like an Oak, Mwah, You must stand firm, Hah hah." Ruby sang demonstrating some more moves.

"Cut quick, like my blade, think fast, hah, unafraid." Ruby sang slicing through the air with her staff causing Nova to awe at her. Ruby then stands at attention before gesturing to the little girl to follow her lead.

"Like a rock, ha ha, I must be hard, hah hah." Nova sang following after Ruby's moves to the best of her ability.

"Like an Oak, Mwah, I must stand firm, hah hah!" Nova sang following more of Ruby's steps while Ruby would adjust her form ever once in a while.

"Cut quick! Like my Blade! Think fast, huh huh, unafraid." Nova sang as she tries her best to hit the pebbles Ruby threw at her. They continue with this method for a good few hours.

"Alright, Momma, I'm ready!" Nova chirps in a battle stance.

Ruby chuckles, "Uh-huh, but you're still out of balance." Ruby said gently poking the little girl causing her to fall over.

Nova is surprised by how easily she fell down, "You're only half way there." Ruby explains to the little girl as she stands to her feet.

Ruby places the staff down and Nova follows her lead, "Like a cloud, you are soft, like bamboo you bend in the wind. Creeping slowly because you know." Ruby sang as she demonstrates a softer fighting style to the small girl.

"It's okay to be afraid." Ruby sang ruffling the little girl's hair.

"Like a cloud, I am soft, Like bamboo I bend in the wind. Creeping slowly because I know. It's okay to be afraid." Nova sang as she found she was able to do this a lot better then the harder style.

"One alone is not enough." Ruby sang as she and Nova continued training on certain fighting styles.

"One alone is not enough." Nova sang copying her movements.

"You need both together."

"You need both together."

"Winter, Summer, Moon, and Sun!" Ruby sang as they begin balancing on the rocks that made a small bridge in a pond.

"Winter, Summer, Moon, and Sun!" Nova sang with her before slipping on one and landing gently in the river, she and a Koi fish stare at each other before Nova begins giggling as it swam around her.

"Lesson Number One!" Ruby and Nova sang.

Nova continues training throughout the week, singing what Ruby taught her as Ruby began carving something out of some material she found around the serene landscape.

"You can Fly!" Ruby sang as she taught Nova how to catapult herself with the training staff.

"You have begun!" Ruby sang as she watches Nova continue training.

"Lesson Number!"

"Lesson Number!"

"Lesson Number One!" Nova says as she and Ruby finish their hand to hand combat training.

Nova happily lays her head on Ruby's shoulder as Ruby carries her to the Lotus Clan main House.

She had trained hard over the course of the 3 weeks. Her little body was sore but she felt empowered.

Ruby gently places the little girl on her bed and tucks her in.

"You're doing well, little one." Ruby says gently kissing Nova's forehead.

Nova let's out a tired giggle. "Thanks Momma." Nova says as she snuggles deeper into her blanket.

"Momma?" Nova asks as Ruby settles into her own bed. Ruby looks to the little girl with raised eyebrows.

"When do I get my weapon?" Nova asks through sleepy eyes.

"Tomorrow, and I'll teach you how to use a bow and arrow." Ruby says wisely as she looks down at the dozing Nova.

"Ok... Love you Momma." Nova says.

"Goodnight, my little lotus, I love you too." Ruby says fondly as she looks at her little girl. They may not be blood related but Nova is pretty much her first child.


The next morning, Ruby is woken up by Nova gently jumping on her in excitement.

"Alright, I'm up. " Ruby chuckles as she sits up. The girls get dressed and ready for the day.

Ruby and Nova stand across from each other at the meadow.

"Nova it is with great Pride that I present to you, your new weapon."  Ruby said showing Nova the bow and Arrow set that she made for the little girl.

"The archer, is known to be swift and quick on their feet, they often fight better from a distance, but they should never settle for just far range combat

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"The archer, is known to be swift and quick on their feet, they often fight better from a distance, but they should never settle for just far range combat. A archer must think quickly, they are quick to make a plan and are fantastic allies. I chose this weapon for you because you work better with far range combat and you dominate in sniping others when you have nerf wars with you friends. You are also quick on your feet and are a great climber which will work well for you with this weapon." Ruby explains to Nova as she admires the detailing on the bow and quiver of arrows.

"Are you ready to train with your new weapon?" Ruby asks the little girl who eagerly nods her head, worrying Ruby that it may fall off with how fast and hard Nova was nodding.

"Let us begin then." Ruby said pulling out a training bow. 

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