Chapter 33

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Season 2, Episode 11: Metalhead Rewired

Metalhead is baby and he is made by Nova since Nova originally design him, so she'd have a friend to play with.

Ruby smiles in amusement as Splinter struggles to follow her lead in mincing carrots.

"You're making them either too small or too big." Ruby snickers as she gestures to the pile of chopped carrots in front of Splinter.

"I am a philosopher and-" Splinter goes to say only for Ruby to stuff a carrot into his mouth.

Splinter swallows the minced carrot and turns back to Ruby with unamused eyes, "As I was saying, I never really had a need to learn to do this mincing. You and Michelangelo handle the kitchen well enough." Splinter pouts turning his head from her only to accidently cut himself with the knife.

Splinter and Ruby hiss, Splinter from the pain of cutting his finger and Ruby from knowing that it must hurt.

Ruby grabs Splinter's hand gently and runs the finger under the tap water and uses her free hand to look for Band-Aids in the cabinet above them.

"And you used to call me accident-prone." Ruby teases as she careful wraps the band-aid around his injured index finger.

"You still are." Splinter teases back earning a punch to the arm by Ruby before she puts the box away and closes the cabinet doors.

"Well, since you can't be trusted with a kitchen knife, why don't you do the mixing. I want the pot pie done before dinner." Ruby told him bumping hips with him as she put the crust into the oven.

Ruby and Splinter hear a loud grunt of pain and stuff being thrown around in the dojo.

"What are those boys up to now?" Ruby grumbled.

Splinter turns to Ruby, "I'll go check on them." Splinter says washing his hands before giving her a quick kiss to the cheek and heading to the dojo.

Upon entering he sees his sons getting the life beat out of them by Metalhead.

"Ya Me!" Splinter says causing everyone including Metalhead stop and turn to him.

"Gah! Can I get off the ride now?" Mikey asks as metalhead's arm makes him fly around the dojo.

"Donatello!" Splinter scolds.

"Metalhead! Stop training program." Donnie told the robot.

Metalhead summons his arm back to him causing Mikey to land face first in front of them all.

"I think he pulled my chin up my nose." Mikey groans in pain.

Donnie gives Splinter a sheepish look, "Sorry sensei, but overall, I'd say that was a pretty successful test." Donnie says smiling weakly.

Leo who was next to him glares, "Successful? Metalhead almost ripped Mikey's face off.

Donnie glares back at him, "Please, I had it all under control." 

"And when you don't?" Leo mocks.

"Donatello has created a powerful tool, it is in our advantage to study our enemies' techniques. But you must use that tool wisely." Splinter says interrupting their soon to be arguing, with his wise tone.

Metalhead opens his mouth and lets out a weird sounding alarm causing Donnie to jump in front of him to observe.

"What's wrong with him now?" Leo asks patronizingly.

"Something tripped the security wires. It's approaching the lair fast." Donnie explains causing everyone become alarmed.

Ruby looks up from where she was finishing the hot pie upon seeing the boys run out the lair just as Nova enters in a grumpy mood.

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